An Inclusive Litany
Franklin also spoke of a more mundane act of ubiquitous racism. "A black high school student... worked for weeks on a paper for class and submitted it to his white teacher. It was a first-class paper. You know what she said? 'Who wrote this paper for you?' He was destroyed completely by a casual comment by an insensitive teacher," Franklin said. "He was dragged through the streets and killed, too." Franklin related the same story ten months prior at a nationally televised forum in Little Rock, noting that the child subsequently quit school and started living on the street.
After reading of the incident, Charles Geshekter, professor of African
history at California State University, wrote to Franklin to find out
when and where the incident occurred and what was done to discipline
the teacher. "I was appalled to learn about this incident," he
wrote. "As a university instructor and a member of the ACLU and the
Southern Poverty Law Center, I am always distressed to hear about such
incidents. Thank you very much for providing me with more
particulars." But after five months, Franklin had not replied to the
query, so Geshekter wrote to him again. "I realize that you are
extremely busy... but I wonder if you would please take the time to
answer my questions."
After five more months, Franklin replied to Geshekter. "I can provide no more details about the incident," Franklin wrote. "I do not feel free to reveal the name of the school or the name of the young student who was tragically mistreated. I do not wish to expose either him or his family to further unauthorized disclosure." It was Franklin, of course, who initially disclosed the story. "As a fellow historian deeply concerned about race matters and historical accuracy," Geshekter wrote back, "I was distressed that you would voluntarily 'cite' such an inflammatory 'incident' to a member of the press... yet be unwilling to provide further specifics." Franklin did not reply.
You have demonstrated at least in my adult lifetime a higher commitment to the kind of moral leadership that I value in public service and public policy than any person I have ever met.... Our prayer for you today and for the first lady and for the vice president and for Tipper is that you will continue to provide the kind of moral leadership to this country that has enriched the life of virtually every citizen.
[Ed.: Disagreeing with this assessment, Ross Perot declared to an Atlanta convention of his Reform Party that Bill Clinton has "a defective brain." "The part of the brain that controls morality and honesty never got connected. The president is mentally and emotionally unstable," Perot said.]
...and from the president's videotaped testimony:1128. In claiming that this statement was true, the President was apparently relying on the same tense-based distinction he made during the Jones deposition. See Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 59-61 ("It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the—if he—if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement.... Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.")
If the deponent is the person who has oral sex performed on him then the contact is not with anything on that list, but with the lips of another person.
Already, some of the more thoughtful members of the House and Senate have admitted, yes, they expect to be overwhelmed. There's very little they can do about this, when someone drives, as one House Judiciary Committee member put this some weeks ago, a truck bomb up to the steps of the Capitol and just dumps it on them. Now this is probably not the most advisable comparison when you consider what happened on these very steps not so many weeks ago, but it is in some ways, politically, a very violent action for Ken Starr to leave this on them weeks before an election when they're trying to decide how to deal with it.
Take Chad Joiner's series of photographs, "Abject and Adolescence." These close-up images of bed linens are saturated in more ways than one. The pale shades of the sheets fill the frames of these photographs, becoming a world unto themselves. They are also stained with urine, blood and semen, and burned with cigarettes. They chart the life of the body, in bed and often unconscious, secreting and expelling and leaving its mark. It's both compelling and discomforting—someone else's dirty laundry turned into art.
At Eastern New Mexico University, crude posters started to appear: "Are you sick of queers polluting this great land with there [sic] filth? I thought so. Want to do something? Join the Fist of God. With his might, we can ride [sic] the world of there [sic] sickness. Ask around. We'll find you." Identifying eight homosexuals on campus, the poster concluded: "Take us seriously, or we'll begin executing one queer a week following this list." The four men and four women soon received threatening e-mail and letters. Miranda Prather, a lesbian teaching assistant whose name topped the list, reported that a masked assailant had slashed her cheek with a kitchen knife. But as part of the ensuing investigation, police examined surveillance footage of a laundromat near where one of the threatening fliers had been posted, which revealed Ms. Prather to be the culprit. Police later found a knife in her apartment that matched the wounds on her cheek. An editorialist at the Amarillo Globe-News wrote, after Prather's hoax had been revealed: "Hatred is polluting with filth. Instilling terror is polluting with filth. Bigotry is polluting with filth.... Few of us are as blatant about it as the Fist of God. Yet hatred and intolerance are there."
At the University of Georgia,
uncloseted homosexual resident adviser Jerry Kennedy reported that his
door, which had been covered with gay-activist literature, was set on
fire. The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Student Union urged the president
of the university to create a hate-crime task force and to obtain a
faculty adviser for their group, and wrote chalk messages around the
student center reading, "Stop burning down our doors," and "Are you
next?" Asked what he thought of the group's response, Kennedy
commented, "It makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing, and I
appreciate the support." But suspicions grew after his door was set
on fire two more times. The student newspaper Red & Black
reported that of the fifteen hate crimes reported since 1995, Kennedy
had been the target of nine of them. The head of the campus police
said, "He's certainly had more [harassment] than anyone else I've
known of." Police soon arrested Kennedy, charging him with arson and
making false crime reports, and a student suspected of setting one of
the fires was exonerated. Still, a faculty member dealing in race
discrimination told the Red & Black that she "hoped the
Kennedy case would not hinder dialogue about homosexuality."
And at North Carolina's Guilford College, Student Senate president Molly Martin reported being assaulted in her office late one night by an assailant who knocked her unconscious, opened her blouse, and wrote "nigger lover" on her chest. The attack occurred a week after anonymous letters and fliers criticized Ms. Martin for appointing two black students to the Senate and for leading the effort to create a full-time director of African-American affairs position the previous semester. Following the incident, the college pledged to hasten its selection process for that position, as well as inaugurate a series of campus dialogues and curriculum changes to address racial issues. But police could not recreate the incident satisfactorily, noting that Ms. Martin did not show anyone the alleged writing on her chest before she erased it, that she said she cleaned up the damage to her office before reporting the incident to campus security, that she refused medical attention and asked security not to report the incident to police, that she showed no signs of the sort of bruising that would have knocked her unconscious, and that it would be highly unusual for such an assailant to unbutton her blouse rather than simply rip it off or pull it down to write on her chest. Martin later withdrew from the school, sending an open letter to the campus apologizing "for acts that were inappropriate and that were injurious," which referred only to her inability to perform her duties properly as Student Senate president, not to any wrongdoing on her part. The college continued its plans to address the issue by revising its curriculum, hiring more minority faculty, and even founding an institute on race relations.
Members of the city's Social Services Commission are asking the City Council to remove longtime homeless activist Jennafer Waggoner from the panel because of her poor attendance.From July 1996 to April 1997, attendance records show Waggoner went to 10 of 22 meetings and left three early, which count as absences. The commission, which aims to voice the concerns of homeless and other underrepresented people, voted June 22 to ask the council to remove her....
Waggoner said a major reason she cannot attend meetings is because she is unable to get enough sleep because police constantly wake her up and ask her to move.
Lt. Gary Gallinot of the Santa Monica Police Department said officers routinely ask the homeless to move out of parks and other public areas.
He said he did not think Waggoner had been approached by police in recent months because they have been looking for her since two warrants were issued for her arrest for failing to appear in court on citations.
Santa Monica police issued one to her for destroying park foliage. Gallinot said he believes it was for sleeping in a bush.
Can Ken Starr ignore the apparent breadth of the sympathetic response to the President's speech? Facially, it finally dawned on me that the person Ken Starr has reminded me of facially all this time was Heinrich Himmler, including the glasses. If he now pursues the President of the United States, who, however flawed his apology was, came out and invoked God, family, his daughter, a political conspiracy and everything but the kitchen sink, would not there be some sort of comparison to a persecutor as opposed to a prosecutor for Mr. Starr?
A "Nuclear Chocolate" meltdown will be held at the Alliance for Survival's Santa Monica office on Thursday, July 9, to support the boycott of Nestlé, the manufacturer of the "Nuclear Chocolate" candy bar that is being sold as a promotion for the film Armageddon. Anti-nuclear activists who feel the Nuclear Chocolate candy bar desensitizes children and adults to real nuclear dangers will conduct the meltdown in our office kitchen and will use the melted candy to create a chocolate-worded message to Nestlé reading, "NO NUCLEAR CHOCOLATE!" The melted-chocolate message will then be delivered to Nestlé's Chocolate and Confection Division in Glendale.Nestlé USA's press release in response:
Nestlé is a food company; we make food and do not take a position on the issue of nuclear arms. Nuclear Chocolate is a promotional product. The word "nuclear" is used in a fun, "cool" manner. It is a common synonym among today's youth for words like "electric" and "awesome." The product is simply a chocolate bar and is intended to deliver fun and excitement to those who eat it.

The New York Times also reports that many schools have banned peanut-butter sandwiches altogether for fear that allergic children may trade away the hypoallergenic lunches supplied by their parents for their friends' tastier sandwiches. An activist group, the Food Allergy Network, has reportedly encouraged parents to raise concerns about this danger. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recorded the death of only one child since 1995 and 88 deaths overall in the United States over 17 years—not just from peanuts but from all food allergies combined.

Children, pregnant women and the elderly should not eat alfalfa sprouts until growers find a way to reduce the risk of a deadly bacteria that infects some sprouts, the Food and Drug Administration said Monday. California health officials had urged vulnerable consumers to stop eating sprouts because of three food poisoning outbreaks in the state. Sixty consumers in California fell ill after eating tainted sprouts during the summer, officials said.
[Ed.: The Centers for Disease Control estimated that alfalfa sprouts caused 20,000 cases of salmonella poisoning among Americans in 1995.]
Get your stuff ready:Get a vein ready:
- Have a cooker, water, syringe, citric or ascorbic acid, cotton, and alcohol wipes ready.
- Put crack and citric or ascorbic acid (about a pinch to a slab) in cooker. Add plenty of water (about 30-40 I.U.). Smash and mix well.
- Add cotton and draw up into syringe.
Take care of yourself:
- Tie off, find a good vein, and clean with an alcohol wipe.
- Inject; make sure you are in a vein, register, look for blood backflow in syringe.
- Slowly push plunger in for injection. This helps to avoid vein trauma and collapse.
- Withdraw needle. Apply pressure for about a minute. Use clean gauze, tissue, cloth, or whatever you have handy.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Juice, water, Gatorade, whatever you can.
- EAT—nutrition is important.
- Take a vitamin. Extra vitamin C is a plus.
- Take care of your veins. Rotate injection sites, use an antibiotic ointment on your injection sites.
If speedballing:
- Never share a syringe or cooker.
- Always use a new syringe with every injection.
- Rotate veins. Use different veins often.
- Always clean injection area with an alcohol wipe before injecting.
- Use only citric or ascorbic acid to dissolve crack. Avoid vinegar or lemon juice; these can lead to serious infections.
- Prepare you dope as normal.
- Add crack, citric acid and follow steps in #2.