An Inclusive Litany

WHEREAS, breast-feeding benefits society as a whole by strengthening the bonds shared by mother and infants, and is also an important part of preventative health care, providing mothers with short and long-term benefits, including decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer; andWHEREAS, compelling scientific evidence indicates that human milk is unique in that it provides infants with optimum growth and development, protection against specific infections and allergies, and positive long-term effects on their health and well-being; and
WHEREAS, the incidence and duration of breast-feeding among women in California are lower than the National Year 2000 Health Objectives, especially among economically disadvantaged women; and
WHEREAS, public health organizations throughout the Golden State are working to educate communities concerning the advantages of breast-feeding, and to create a supportive public environment in order that this important practice may be reestablished as a cultural norm;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, PETE WILSON, Governor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim August 1997 as Breast-Feeding Awareness Month in California, and I encourage all Californians to support Breast-Feeding as the preferred infant feeding method and a priority in our communities.
IN WITNESS THEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 10th day of June 1997.
Pete Wilson
Governor of CaliforniaATTEST:
Bill Jones
Secretary of State
August is also "World Breastfeeding Week." Other commemorations observed throughout the month include:
- National Catfish Month
- National Water Quality Month
- National Romance Awareness Month
- National Bargain Hunting Week
- National Smile Week
- Psychic Week
- Simplify Your Life Week
- Mosquito Awareness Weekend [!]
- American Family Day
- Friendship Day
- Sisters' Day
- Coast Guard Day
- Book Lovers' Day
- National Relaxation Day
- Lavender Liberty Day
- Bad Poetry Day
- National Mustard Day

Soon after, NOW's conservative counterpart, Concerned Women for America, joined the Southern Baptist Convention's boycott against the Disney empire for its "anti-Christian and anti-moral themes." The group cited the 1940 film "Fantasia, which heightened the awareness of witchcraft as Mickey Mouse played the sorcerer's apprentice. In one scene Mickey conjured up the broomstick to clean the floor, clearly denying God's command to use divination." Spokeswoman Paula Govers also objected to the outfit worn by the cartoon heroine in The Little Mermaid: "She's wearing two tiny little seashells. What are they telling our little girls?"
[Ed.: A Stanford graduate student writing his thesis on patriarchal behavior in animated films announced to a dorm meeting that the same film was "sexist" and "phallocentric."]

While the story always stimulated students' sense of right and wrong
whenever she taught it for over twenty years, Haugaard found that
discussion now yielded no moral comments, even following her
persistent questions. One man said the ritual killing described
"almost seems a need." Asked if she believed in human sacrifice, a
woman said, "I really don't know. If it was a religion of long
standing...." Haugaard writes: "I was stunned. This was a woman who
wrote so passionately of saving the whales, of concern for the rain
forests, of her rescue and tender care of a stray dog."
[Ed.: Hamilton College philosophy professor Robert Simon wrote in the same issue of the Chronicle that between a tenth and a fifth of his students did not believe that they had the right to condemn the Nazis.]
The group says the bill, which it calls the "Criminalization of Pregnancy" act, "repeatedly refers to embryos and fetuses as 'children,' " thus insinuating into law the dangerous notion of "fetal rights." The law would also presumably violate the ban on unwarranted search and seizure by drawing conclusions about a mother's behavior based on the infant's toxicology report. NOW also notes that the proposed law was sexist, ignoring "the genetic effects of paternal drug use and abuse on sperm."

The 40,000-page record of the cleanup effort indicated, and all parties seemed to agree, that without the extra expenditure, the waste dump was clean enough for children playing on the site to eat small amounts of dirt daily for 70 days each year free of significant harm. Burning the soil, on the other hand, would have made it safe enough for the children to eat small amounts daily for 245 days a year. But in fact there were no dirt-eating children because the area was a swamp. And the parties involved also agreed that at least half of the organic compounds would evaporate by the year 2000.

The conference dealt explicitly with the FDA's need to extend regulatory authority over web links and chat rooms. (The Internet's global nature also explained the involvement of numerous concerned representatives from foreign countries outside the FDA's jurisdiction.) The FDA also considered classifying "expert systems" computer software—which help doctors correlate reports of diverse symptoms and effectively replace shelves of medical books—as medical devices subject to the agency's censorship.
Under teacher-tenure laws, it took authorities three years to remove her from the classroom, by which time children had become accustomed to hiding beneath their desks to avoid being hurt by flying missiles.

Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe, echoed the need for "international cooperation" with his country, "particularly in the areas of trade, debt relief, provision of financial resources and technology transfer." Saifuddin Soz, Indian minister of environment and forests, also called for increases in foreign aid, while denouncing "efforts to prescribe equal obligations and liabilities on unequal players," a reference to developing nations' often egregious pollution record.
[Ed.: Not only is there no scientific consensus concerning the existence of global warming, but there is also disagreement about what would happen if there were such a trend. One study supporting the warming thesis credibly suggests that increased evaporation would cause ocean levels to drop, with increased precipitation over polar regions causing more water to become sequestered in glaciers.
Sherwood Idso, agriculturalist at the U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix, Arizona, has also concluded that man's substantial increase to levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide—a gas that is pivotal to plant growth and often in short supply—would likely cause a "global greening" effect, a sustainable world-wide agricultural boon.]

- $3.5 million for "wood utilization research"
- $445,000 for "improved fruit practices"
- $4 million for the Gambling Impact Study Commission
- $330,000 for Stellar Sea Lion research
- $5 million for the National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence
- $4 million for the Discovery Center of Science and Technology
- $2 million for an International Fertilizer Development Center
- $3 million for the George H.W. Bush Fellowship
- $3 million for buses and bus facilities in Williamsport and Scranton, Pennsylvania
I have taught general linguistics, including grammar and usage, to prospective teachers of English for nearly thirty years. I was therefore deeply distressed to find your otherwise potentially useful article "Grammar 101" poisoned by such obsolete, prejudicial, and ultimately damaging terms as "proper/improper," "correct/incorrect," and "good/bad." These terms are at best counterproductive, because they belong respectively to systems of manners, logic, and ethics, not to the socially constrained system of language.
Instead, we should use less judgmental terms, like "standard," and "conventional," and, most useful, "appropriate." I do not mean to suggest that society does not have certain expectations with respect to language usage—quite the contrary. Those expectations, although often arbitrary and capricious, are very real. But such expectations can be recognized and described in ways that do not demean people by using diction that treats them as deficient, diseased, damaged, or depraved. People generally do not like to be attacked, especially about something as intimately identifying as their language....