An Inclusive Litany
In this friendly little ranching town, "Hello" is wearing out its welcome.And Leonso Canales Jr. is happy as heck.
At his urging, the Kleberg County commissioners on Monday unanimously designated "Heaven-o" as the county's official greeting.
The reason: "Hello" contains the word "Hell."
"When you go to school and church, they tell you 'hell' is negative and 'heaven' is positive," said the 56-year-old Canales, who owns the Kingsville Flea Market. "I think it's time that we set a new precedent, to tell our kids that we are positive adults."
The new salutation, according to the county resolution is a "symbol of peace, friendship and welcome" in this "age of anxiety."

This is a general art lab course specifically aimed at women who are not majoring in art. Its purpose will be to encourage women to experiment and investigate the possibilities of art—to discover how to use and to enrich their own lives. We will try to avoid evaluations, especially those based on current male-identified values of what is "good" and "bad" art. It will be one more attempt to demystify "great art" and to prove that all art is a combination of ideas, inventions, practice, correction, inspiration, accommodation, destruction, boredom, hard work, anticipation, skill, and whatever else the artist must use to explain what he/she wants to express. Materials are extra.
A Bakersfield, California, man is appealing a 26-year prison sentence for robbery, assault, and car-jacking on the basis of misunderstood testimony due to his use of Ebonics. When asked about his criminal record, Frederick Clayton had responded "I always be... a sneak thief type." to convey that he had never [up until then] been convicted of a violent crime. Clayton's attorney claims that if the judge had understood Ebonics, his client would be a free man.

The Herald also documented hundreds of recreational injuries suffered by firefighters since 1979, including 109 while playing basketball, 92 while weight training, 82 while playing volleyball, 63 while jogging, 63 during other physical training, 26 while playing softball, 23 while playing tennis, 17 while playing football, and one during an aggressive game of badminton.
Pat Schroeder, congresswoman from Colorado, commented on Anita Hill's skeptics: "They treated her like we treated rape victims in the 1950s." Schroeder recommended that Hill, a law professor, be nominated for attorney general after Zoe Baird's nomination faltered. Ms. Schroeder later commented on Paula Jones: "The charges are not considered very credible." And, "the issue just makes me want to throw up."
Anne Conners, president of the National Organization for Women, also frowned on Jones's accusations. "The way I understand it, she [Jones] agreed to come to his room, he asked for oral sex, she said 'I'm not that kind of girl,' and he said, 'Okay.' That's not sexual harassment. It may be inappropriate behavior, but he didn't punish her for refusing him—if in fact that's what happened."
Feminist matriarch Betty Friedan echoed this skepticism. "According to what she said, one could say that if the President actually did proposition her, one could disapprove, it's boorish, one could hope Hillary could do something about it. But [Jones] said 'no.' She wasn't killed. She wasn't harassed. She wasn't fired. Her boss wasn't told to get rid of her."
Alicia Silverstone unveiled her latest video Wednesday afternoon at Beverly Hills High, but instead of donning stretch suede for the rock band Aerosmith, she was shunning scalpels—as part of an effort to persuade high-school students and their biology teachers to give up dissecting frogs.At the same news conference, Silverstone claimed she received an F in middle school for refusing to dissect a frog. However, the San Francisco Chronicle tracked down her science teacher at Crocker Middle School in the Bay Area. The teacher said that not only did Silverstone not receive an F, but that students in the class were not required to dissect animals. As the Los Angeles Times observed, "Silverstone is the first actress we can recall who exaggerated her educational accomplishments downward."
And cats and pigs. And even worms. But especially frogs.
The 30-second video is dominated by close-ups of Silverstone caressing and even licking a frog.
"When it comes to animals, there's no need to be a classroom cutup," says the 20-year-old actress....

Given the contradictions at the heart of Clinton's presidency, what is it, precisely, that I admire about him? The answer, I suppose, is his character. Clinton's defining impulse, after all, is not insincerity but a surfeit of empathy: he earnestly does believe in the possibility of reconciling contradictions that can't be logically reconciled: Reagan with Roosevelt, racialism with color-blindedness, family values with civil liberties. But, as Clinton demonstrates in his moving speeches to black churches, a Whitmanesque capacity to embrace contradictions isn't always a vice in a balkanized age. I suppose, in the end, that I also admire Clinton's intelligence and his passion for argument, which vindicates the Madisonian premises that Ronald Reagan's success called into question. Clinton ... reassures us that a first-rate education isn't necessarily a disqualification for leadership in American democracy.
His sturdy jaw precedes him. He smiles from sea to shining sea. Is this President a candidate for Mt. Rushmore or what?... In fact, when it comes to influencing the public, a single medley of expressions from Clinton may be worth much more, to much of America, than every ugly accusation Paula Jones can muster.
When a plaintiff wins a malpractice lawsuit, the size of the award has less to do with whether a doctor has done something wrong than with whether the patient is permanently disabled, according to a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine ...
The study, by Dr. Troyen A. Brennan and his colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health, evaluated 46 New York State malpractice suits resolved after 10 years and found that the actions of the doctor did little to influence the outcome.
In 13 of the cases, where records showed that the doctor was not responsible for the injury that led to the lawsuit, the patients won 6 of the cases and were awarded an average settlement of $98,192.
In contrast, there were nine cases where the records showed the doctor was negligent. In five of those cases, the settlements averaged $66,944—nearly one-third less than when the doctor was not to blame.
The remaining 24 cases involved injuries that were caused by the underlying disease, not by the medical treatment the patient received. Nonetheless, the patients won 10 of those 24 cases and received a typical award of $28,760, often from an insurance company trying to avoid a costly trial.

On Thursday, Disneyland officials announced they would close Pirates of the Caribbean for two months for refurbishment, including replacing a scene of amorous pirates chasing frightened wenches.The new scene will depict a lesser pirate vice: gluttony. [Pirates chase after food rather than women.]
Yet a tour of the park Friday suggests that Disneyland—its stabs at cultural sensitivity aside—remains vulnerable to the PC police....
On the Jungle Cruise, for example, a fake hippopotamus rears out of the water and is promptly blown away by a pistol-wielding riverboat pilot....
Jenny Woods, a representative of People for the Ethical treatment of Animals, says the exhibit is sadly outdated—especially for a corporation that has done so much to engender a love of animals.
She suggested altering the scene to: "Hippos freed from the zoo by animal liberationists."

While giving its blessing to "vaginal" art, Penn State discourages nativity scenes as being contrary to the spirit of multiculturalism. The university banned a Christmas tree from its Old Main Hall.
Nevertheless, the NAACP argued that school choice violates the
equal-protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, comparing the
voucher program to efforts of southern whites to thumb their noses
at desegregation efforts by sending their kids to private schools.
According to the NAACP, some of the parents using vouchers choose to
send their children to "virtually one-race schools," and "racially
separate schools are inherently unequal."
[Ed.: Only 35 percent of the freshmen who entered public high schools in 1992 graduated in four years—in one school, only 13 percent did so. But for two predominantly black private schools in Milwaukee—Messmer High School, an independent Catholic school, and Urban Day, a K-8 independent school—the graduation rate is 98 percent.]