An Inclusive Litany

Choi decided to give two poor black kids in the neighborhood a break by offering them after-school jobs bagging groceries and carrying them for customers in exchange for tips. The two had been idling around the store for some time offering to help in various ways, and Choi made sure it okay with the boys' parents. But when the Labor Department got wind of the informal arrangement, which violated child labor and minimum wage laws, they fined Choi $1,500 and required him to pay over $5,000 in back wages. Choi then had to let the kids go, and now says he is out of the business of trying to help people.

The leader of Norway's 9,115-member organization Justice for Losers—whose particularly strong representation in Lapland leads it to refer to that region as "Loserland"—recently met with King Harald. The group now receives about $40,000 annually in government support.
At least 500 people with kidney failure are being allowed to die each year because there are too few facilities to treat them, according to a report commissioned by the British government. And the shortage of facilities will worsen over the next decade.The National Review of Renal Services was ordered by the Health Department almost two years ago, but publication was delayed by the Treasury because of alarm at its financial implications. The Department eventually slipped it out unannounced.
A jury recommended a 30,000-year prison sentence for a convicted child rapist because they didn't want him on the streets again. "By God we can send a message," jury forewoman Laura Bixler said.[Ed.: An Oklahoma appeals court upheld the stiff sentence, and the only dissenting judge said he would have ordered the six 5,000-year sentences—one for each separate charge—to be served concurrently instead of consecutively.]He could be up for parole, though, in as little as 15 years.
Six years ago Linda Daniels, 69 years old, went to a wedding at the Cameo Restaurant in Garfield, N.J., and was asked to do the polka by Frank Snyder, who was sitting at her table. She alleges that he dragged her to the dance floor. Then, after a quarter turn around the floor to the "Beer Barrel Polka," she says, Mr. Snyder tripped and fell on her, fracturing her left hip.Mrs. Daniels says she hasn't danced since and walks with a limp. She sued Mr. Snyder for damages in state court and lost the first round when the case was thrown out in 1994. But last week a three-judge appeals court in Newark reinstated her lawsuit....
The appeals judges discussed at length whether the polka is an "inherently dangerous" sport, like sky diving, or simply a mild recreation. Two of them chose not to decide, ruling that the lower court must instead determine whether Mrs. Daniels was made to dance against her wishes.

Marcos later convened an international meeting of "humanity against neo-liberalism," held in La Realidad, Mexico, that the Associated Press called a "Woodstock for Guerrillas." Leftists from as far away as Turkey and the University of Texas at Austin came to discuss "alternatives to the world's free-market system." Ms. Mitterand also attended the event, wading through ankle-deep mud.
Three teenagers sued the Indiana, Pa., schools, saying they were kept off the majorette squad because of their weight. The federal suit says Tarrah Armstrong, 17, and Nicole Clemons, 16, qualified for national competitions but didn't make the Indiana squad. Jen Lightcap, 17, now on the squad, sued over past rejections. Their weights weren't disclosed. The teens' lawyer, Marjorie Crist, said the school is "gender stereotyping." School officials say the process is fair and unbiased.
Although we don't think our boss would be too understanding if we came in an hour late on May 7 in celebration of National Masturbation Day, we applaud the basic concept. The brainchild of Good Vibrations, a sex-toy store and mail-order catalog, the holiday will give solo sex long-overdue recognition.
One professionally sound way to celebrate: Enter the Good Vibrations "Top 10 Reasons to Masturbate" contest.
When the monument opened, the Washington Post reported that the monument's Braille letters were too large to be legible. One blind visitor complained that "the dots are about five times normal size." Sculptor Robert Graham defended his work: "My concept of that piece was to have Braille as a kind of invitation to touch, more than anything.... Nothing is life-size in the piece, so you very much have to adjust yourself to the scale."
[Ed.: The proposed design for the World War II Memorial also received criticism for bearing too close a resemblance to the monumental plans of Nazi architect Albert Speer.]
Soon after, Clinton's 48-year-old wife spoke to the press of her yearning to have a another child.

The OFCCP extracted $76,749 in back wages from the Jack B. Kelley
trucking firm of Amarillo, Texas, which was then distributed among
five applicants who had been denied jobs at the firm. The company's
drivers routinely handle hazardous waste, missile propellants,
sulfuric acid, and nitric acid, and they must be able to move heavy
loads while wearing respirators that make breathing significantly more
difficult. The OFCCP condemned the company for not hiring two
applicants who were heavy smokers and who showed signs of diminished
lung capacity as well as possible signs of emphysema. Another
applicant suffered from epileptic seizures that could not be fully
controlled with medication; the OFCCP ruled that the man should have
been hired to drive a truck full of hazardous waste. The agency also
penalized the company for failing to hire a man who, because of a
recent operation, lacked the strength in his hands and arms to drive a
large truck. The OFCCP ruled against the company despite the fact that
Department of Transportation
issues its own safety regulations prohibiting someone in that
condition from driving a heavy truck; had there been an accident, the
company would have likely been found guilty of negligence in hiring
him. Oddly enough, none of the applicants had complained to the
company or to the government about not being hired; the OFCCP located
the individuals by searching the company's files. A company spokesman
said that two of the individuals "called us and brought it to our
attention that we may not have been treated fairly. They told me, 'We
don't want any hard feelings. We didn't ask for your money.' Two of
these guys said they felt bad about taking our money."
The OFCCP also audited the personnel records of Carolina Steel of North Carolina, which in fact hires a significantly higher percentage of blacks than there are in the local labor force. Carolina Steel's main office is a block and a half from the local unemployment office, so unemployment compensation recipients, who are required to submit a certain number of job applications each week, applied to Carolina Steel in large numbers as a matter of convenience. This produced a statistical disparity in the number of black applicants who were not hired, especially since the agency counted some applicants not just once, but as many times as they had applied to the company. After an extensive dispute following the hiring discrimination charge, Carolina Steel settled for $120,000, which was divided up among 264 applicants—many of whom later remained unhired because they failed drug tests. Carolina Steel CEO Len Wise said, "We don't think that we were treated fairly under the law, but we settled in order to get them off our back." A local television station also interviewed the company's black employees, none of whom said they thought Carolina Steel was racially biased.
- I have come to believe that humor is the next best thing to
God. For me laughter is the ultimate altered state. At the peak of
roaring laughter one exists as in midsneeze. Laughter under social
conditions also allows the soul to be congregationalized.
- You may also allow yourself to become very small and walk along
the yardstick of time, experiencing it as a vast road. Following Mr.
Jefferson, he leads you to a place that seems to be a meta-Monticello.
And you realize that you are no longer in 2295. You are moving into a
world which is outside of space and time.
- The brush of angel wings stirs our souls as some long-forgotten
paradisiacal memory of the future.
- Hold the child in your arms as you are being held by your own
extended being. The three of you are now together, a trinity that is a
perfect oneness.
- I have watched people die and people be born, both literally
and spiritually, on every continent of the globe, and I have seen the
dreams of millenia become real and the realities of the last hundred
years fade away into dreams.
- The door to the universe opened. Everything became part of a
single Unity, a glorious symphonic resonance. I had awakened to a
consciousness that spanned centuries and was on intimate terms with
the universe. Everything mattered. Nothing was alien or irrelevant or
distant. The farthest star was right next door.
- Like Athena, who emerged fully grown and armed, according to my
relatives I was also quite a full person by the time I was 5. Like
Athena, I was musical and was taken up by wise old men and given an
extraordinary education.
- Below my generally benevolent nature lies a more archaic warrior.
Like Athena, I seek to reweave the world. I am always rescuing people
who have been cast aside. Also I seem to show up in many people's
- Presently we are living at a time of extraordinary insight into
both the microphase and macrophase of the phenomenal world. With the
concomitant expansion of our ways of knowing, a new story is finally
beginning to become available in its basic outline.
- If Eve hadn't eaten the tempter's augmented fruit, we would still
be featherless bipeds living on welfare in the garden instead of going
out there and finding division and delectation, trauma and
- The inner life of this [piece of blue] cheese would make for a
bestselling and slightly salacious novel. Soft and runny in your
mouth, it hits the back of your throat, stunning you with its
fullness. Then it becomes intellectual, philosophical.
- I often blow to smithereens people's normal experience of clock
time. Time is a juicy god.
- The holoverse dances for your benefit in ordinary and
extraordinary ways. New forms emerge as we tune into the resonant
fields of an evolving reality.
- The high actualizer I have known, the pragmatic saints and world-making mystics, have been essentially of that genre: they have allowed their body-minds to become fields of space-time from which can be harvested the formings of the Form. Their will and intentionality have become macrophase and consonant with the primary order. Of course they get the job done.
Such role-playing conversations are traditional counseling techniques, and Ms. Houston describes Mrs. Clinton as beleaguered, in pain, and seeking help.... The unwritten subtext here, of course, is that even here at the end of the 20th century there is a political price to be paid for those in public life who seek help for their private problems.
Fearing a long and costly lawsuit, the city of Belvedere, California, has agreed to a $90,000 settlement with three of its employees who were offended by "lewd, racist, and anti-gay" O.J. Simpson jokes that the police chief had posted on a department bulletin board. The gags, complained the disaffected workers, contributed to a "pervasive and hostile work environment," which entitled them to roughly $30,000 apiece.