Some time ago, Eastman Kodak brought a case against Fuji for dumping photographic paper in the United States—at 360 percent below cost! As a result, we will soon dedicate a $200 million Fuji facility in Greenwood, S.C. Protectionism not only saves jobs, it creates new ones.
An Inclusive Litany
He (Ted Kaczynski) wasn't a hypocrite. He lived as he wrote. His manifesto, and there are a lot of things in it that I would agree with and a lot of other people would, that industrialization and pollution all are terrible things, but he carried it to an extreme, and obviously murder is something that is far beyond any political philosophy, but he had a bike. He didn't have any plumbing, he didn't have any electricity.

Private accounts would be enormously expensive to administer, as millions of workers would continuously be directing small amounts of new money into stocks and bonds. By tying retirement benefits to the individual's own contributions, the plan strips away much of Government's ability to subsidize low-income families.A better plan was proposed by a group led by Robert Ball, a former Social Security Commissioner. This group also would invest a substantial fraction of payroll taxes in the stock market. But in this plan, the Government, not individuals, would do the investing—saving overhead costs and preserving the option to redistribute retirement benefits to poorer workers. Under this plan, Government would invest passively—putting money in funds that mirror all companies represented in the stock market—in order to keep politics out of retirement decisions.
One of the intriguing things about this plan is that it will create a truly integrated community, with rich people as neighbors to the poorest. They will all be sitting around open campfires, living in tents and delighting together at the beautiful trees and ocean and bird songs. Is it so wrong to take a tiny step in the direction of a society which I think all of us secretly dream of? It's worth a few bumps in the road.
Six human rights activists from the United States, Mauritania, and Sudan called on African Americans, the U.S. Congress and the U.S. media yesterday to wake up to black slavery in northern Africa and to end the political silence they said effectively condones its existence....
The chief witness was William H. Twaddel, deputy assistant secretary of state for African affairs, who in somewhat elliptical testimony declared that "I don't think anyone is enslaving anyone in Mauritania" but added later, "I'd feel very uncomfortable saying that [slavery] didn't exist." ....
Twaddel's testimony was seconded by former representative and Congressional Black Caucus chairman Mervyn M. Dymally of California ... who appeared as a $120,000-a-year lobbyist for the Mauritanian government.... He said, "I don't deny that there may be the appearance of slavery" in Mauritania, but said one has to be careful when one calls it "black slavery. General Colin Powell wouldn't be considered black in Mauritania," he said, and neither would most Jamaicans.

The resolution was proposed as a hoax to demonstrate how easy it is to pass legislation without proper scrutiny. Albert De Salvo was the Boston Strangler.
UCLA also mounted an exhibit on "Asian Pacific Islander Sexuality"
as part of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The exhibit featured
works of student artists "visually exploring the sexual politics of
genitalia" and was designed to offer a chance for Asian students to
"go beyond 'standards' and freely explore their own issues." The
show featured "Post Fu Manchu Tic Tac" (an enormous, erect penis
with the caption "This Ain't No Tic Tac"), "Look Ma, No Hands" (a
black and white photo of a naked man and his erection, complete with
magnifying glass), "Arena" (a woman rising from a toilet, with a
magazine spread of two women beheading a man on a nearby counter), an
untitled painting of a red-haired woman pointing an automatic pistol
at a man's head while blood oozed from a bullet hole in his temple,
and a ceramic sculpture of a smiling and bare-chested woman looking
down at a severed penis while holding a pair of scissors in one hand
and a frying pan in another.
An unusual editorial in UCLA's Daily Bruin indicates the depth of feeling the show aroused. Freshman Edward Hsu took two pages to consider stereotypes concerning the endowment of Asian males, as well as to mull over his own personal insecurities. "I look down and he's there—my Mr. Wang," he writes. "He's not tiny, he's just crushed. Funny, huh? Go ahead, laugh! All yellow people have crushed wangers, right? Laugh!!! Laugh because it's true. Laugh because it's funny to crush Mr. Wang; crush him into submission.... I really don't care if you think my penis is dinky or daring—as long as you've seen it. And while your eyes are open, see me as I am ... At times I can be limp; I may look like a wimp; like all I know is 'Submit!' But listen, but look, and see my balls, and how I stand tall—an Asian erection."
[Ed.: The facts of Jamal's case have never been credibly disputed. Working at the time as a radical journalist and cab driver, Jamal happened to be driving by as he saw officer Faulkner pull over his brother, William Cook, for a traffic violation. Jamal ran across the street and shot Faulkner in the back. Faulkner was able to return fire and hit Jamal in the chest, after which Jamal stood over Faulkner and shot him four more times. When police arrived on the scene, they found Faulkner dying of his wounds, and Jamal sitting on a curb nearby, wearing a holster, his .38 caliber revolver at his feet with five spent cartridges in it.]
Diagrams illustrate how condoms are to be tested for durability and strength, as follows:
Most of the prose details inspection procedures, which must be conducted "visually under normal or corrected vision": "Each lot shall be sampled in accordance with ISO 2859-1 general inspection level I, but utilizing a minimum sample size and corresponding acceptance/rejection numbers equivalent to sample size code letter M." Furthermore, the air-flow calibration test is to be conducted with "a volume flow rate at ambient temperature and pressure (Q) in cubic decimetres per second as follows":
The state historian, the president of the Arkansas NAACP, and the former president of the Regular Arkansas Baptist Convention don't share President Clinton's "vivid and painful memories" of Arkansas church burnings.
"I've never known of a black church being burned in Arkansas,' said John Ferguson, the director of the Arkansas History Commission.
Clinton used his weekly radio address Saturday to decry a rash of at least 30 burnings of black churches in seven Southern states since early last year. He also recounted what he said was his experience in his home state.
"In our country during the '50s and '60s, black churches were burned to intimidate civil-rights workers. I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child," Clinton said. Clinton was born in 1946 and grew up in Hope and Hot Springs. However, neither Dale Charles, the president of the state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, nor Rev. O.C. Jones, former president of the Regular Arkansas Baptist Convention, a group of 530 black churches, could recall any church burnings in Arkansas during the civil-rights era.
A spokesman for the White House had no immediate response Sunday.
Tim, curious. Would we still be having this discussion if everyone hadn't attacked the President's health care reform plan for political expediency about two years ago?
Dole has certainly shown understanding for the handicapped, sponsoring legislation like 1990's Americans with Disabilities Act.... But how far does Dole's empathy extend? He's helped the disabled but fought family and medical leave that would guarantee employees the right to care for a disabled loved one. He's been soft on the workplace and highway safety regulations and gun-control measures that would prevent many disabling accidents.
Judy Collins, the singer, and Louis Nelson, a designer of everything from album covers to the Korean War Veterans Memorial's mural wall in Washington, met on April 16, 1978. They were introduced by friends during an equal rights amendment fund-raiser at the Ginger Man restaurant, which had changed its name to the Ginger Person for the evening.A feminist and a supporter of women's rights, Ms. Collins pursued him. "She called me the next few days every day," said Mr. Nelson, 59. "I was flabbergasted that she would be interested in me. She was a star. I owned all of her records."
A few days later they went out for dinner, and they "talked about all those things like, you know, the handle of a cup and the rim touching your lips, and purple and green," he remembered. They have lived together ever since.
These days, their social schedule is glamorous. During a recent week, they went out to dinner with Patricia Duff and Ron Perelman on one night, Princess Margaret the second and Erica Jong the third. Yet in many ways, they still seem like a young, open-minded, down-to-earth couple from 1978.
They share a rambling [rent-controlled] Upper West Side apartment filled with colorful candles, guitars and oil paintings by friends, not necessarily framed. They spend weekends in their house in Connecticut, where she likes to record dreams in her journal while he paints watercolors and listens to the wind chimes.
In conversation, they talk about angels, peace, the design of toasters, therapy and the importance of equality in relationships. In a recent interview, they were even careful to talk for equal amounts of time. "If we go out to dinner, I pay one night, he pays one night," said Ms. Collins, 56. "We don't carry scales, but we share equally."

While women in the neighborhood demanded that the police pour resources into investigating the sexual attacks, some felt that police were racist in giving out information about Grenados, a Latino man of dark complexion who is from El Salvador. Although police had issued a warrant for his arrest, some were outraged that police would pass around his picture in connection with a crime for which he hadn't been convicted. Cathy Hoffman, who serves the city as the Commissioner of Peace and Nuclear Disarmament [$51,000 salary], complained that "to pass around a picture of a man of color doesn't speak to the problem and can promote racial fear or racism."
Police spokesman Frank Pasquarello commented that McSweeny was right to show pictures of the suspect to neighborhood residents. "If we were looking for a black or a white man we would have circulated their pictures too," said Pasquarello. "We were looking for a Hispanic man from El Salvador."