An Inclusive Litany
A New Jersey high school principal suspended three students after they uttered the word "oi" (a British punk-rock expression) during a talent competition. The principal said two persons had complained to him that the students, in fact, said "oy," a Yiddish expression that, loosely translated, means "Oh my." Although it is unclear how merely saying the word can possibly be construed as anti-Semitic, the principal said, "When it comes to racism and anti-Semitism, we're certainly going to come down on the side of caution." Police were called to investigate a possible bias crime, but declared the incident "utter confusion," which also happens to be the name of the band.
Rudy Ramirez, a psychologist and administrator at the shelter,
concurs. "We're doubling, doubling and doubling the Border Patrol,"
Ramirez says. "There is increased stress all along. They manifest the
symptoms in neuroses, depression, psychosis—sometimes violent,
sometimes autistic."
Fred Krissman, a researcher at the Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies at the University of California, San Diego, calls it "undocumented entry syndrome." "There is no doubt in my mind that trying to cross this military border is a very traumatic, dangerous experience."
The safety of car seats, cribs, and toys are the concerns of all you conscientious parents. Well, now you can add shopping carts to your list. According to a recent study, shopping cart related injuries account for 25,000 trips to the emergency room every year. At least two deaths have occurred in related incidents. In the last three years, 2,000 children were hospitalized from shopping cart injuries such as skull fractures, concussions, cuts, and bruises.
[Ed.: They only received the lower figure because a state audit revealed that their first bid included an attorney's bill for a 44-hour day, at $160 per hour.]
In October 1995, California's Fair Political Practices Commission, charged with enforcing the PRA, levied the largest fine in its history, $808,000, against the president and treasurer of a grassroots group called Californians Against Corruption. The two had initiated an effort to oust the well-connected and allegedly corrupt 23-year state Sen. David Roberti from office, but had failed to note the occupation, employer, and address of people who had donated more than $100 to the recall cause.
The fine is almost eight times as high as the total amount of funds the two managed to raise in the recall cause. The FPPC's next-largest fines were levied against companies that laundered money for politicians.
Re "Pearl Harbor Day," letters, January 7: Some responsibility for the bombing of Pearl Harbor must rest with the United States and Europe.
Japan was pretty much an isolationist country until the U.S. Navy forced open its borders in 1854. The Japanese knew how Asians were being exploited by their European colonial masters, and about the treatment of nonwhites in America. They reasoned that the best form of self-defense was to become like the Western powers. This brought about one of the most spectacular examples of modernization in history.
Japan also believed, based on European expansionism, that to be a modern Westernized culture with a thriving economy one must harshly exploit others. The Nazis provided an example of a group which considered itself victimized by the wealthier around them.... In the end, Pearl Harbor was bombed, not as a prelude to occupying America, but to get needed materials to overrun Asia.
I do not want to sound insensitive, but perhaps we should give Pearl Harbor a rest. This would give the rest of us, the living, a needed break.
—Steven Yoshida
When Mike Elliott brought an order form for Girl Scout cookies to work, he wasn't looking for trouble.[Ed.: Economist Ralph Reiland has determined that the Girl Scouts must sell over 80,000 boxes of cookies to pay their liability insurance.]Mr. Elliott ... started asking co-workers to buy a few boxes on behalf of his girlfriend's eight-year old daughter. "I worked for four or five hours, and suddenly this lady came up to me and said that a guy who worked 50 feet down the line from me was selling them cheaper," Mr. Elliott says. "The first thing that everyone thinks is: You're trying to rip me off."
In an increasingly competitive marketplace, price wars are breaking out over Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties. "It's devastating," says Penny Bailer, executive director of the Michigan Metro Girl Scout Council, which serves the Detroit Metropolitan area....
Officials say they can't adopt the simple solution setting one national price because their parent organization, Girl Scouts USA, follows the Sherman Act, which prohibits price fixing.

Tenant Opportunity Program grants, which were used to help fund the trip, are ostensibly meant to "support training and leadership activities in order to empower tenants for resident-management purposes."
It appears the call to public service runs in the genes. Hunter Reno is a spokesmodel for L'Oréal Hair Care. She is also Attorney General Janet Reno's niece. That may explain why she does volunteer work with the civic-minded organization "DISHES": Determined Involved Supermodels Helping to End Suffering. We did not make this up.
Hard to believe, but throughout the land the Federal Government has sanctioned only four apostrophes to make place names possessive. The latest to be so entitled by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, the first genitive it has bestowed in 32 years, is Carlos Elmer's Joshua View [Ariz.].... Since 1890, the nine-member board, in Reston, VA., has remained hostile to possessives, stripping Harpers Ferry and Jamestown, among others, of their possessives.
"The board has developed a philosophy that geographic names in the United States should not show ownership of a feature," says Roger Payne, its secretary.... If a town insists on a possessive for local consumption, fine. But no possessives on any Federal maps or documents without dispensation.
Division of Operations-ManagementMEMORANDUM OM 95-65
August 23, 1995
- To:
- All Regional Directors, Officers-in-Charge, and Resident Officers
- B. Allan Benson, Acting Associate General Counsel
- Form Number Change
"Notice to Employees"It has been brought to our attention that in at least one election, employees may have refused to vote because of their religious beliefs; that is, as regards Form NLRB-666 (Notice to Employees), they interpreted "666" as the NLRB's display of the "mark of the devil." Therefore, to ensure the form's number does not discourage voter participation, the form has been renumbered to Form NLRB-5492 and 5492 SP (Spanish version).
Replacement versions have been ordered and will be sent to you by August 31, 1995. Forms with the "666" should be discarded when the new forms are received.
If you have any questions, please contact your Assistant General Counsel.
One of the suit's star plaintiffs was Sara Boyd, an African-American
former teacher and guidance counselor retired from her job as vice
principal of Menlo-Atherton High School. The suit cited Boyd's many
awards and accolades as proof that she was a solid educator as well as
"an extra-sensitive conduit and role model for the school's large
minority student population," even though she flunked the test
four times.
In a videotaped deposition with Lawrence Ashe, who defended the test, Boyd mentioned that 6 out of 80 teachers at her school were black—1 or 2 percent by her estimation. Then she realized that, in fact, 8 teachers were black.
"So, in fact, 10 percent of the faculty is African American?" Ashe
"No," Boyd countered.
"What percent of 80 is 8?" Ashe asked Boyd.
For some time Boyd was silent, then: "Can you rephrase that?
I'm drawing a blank here."
The question was rephrased and Boyd answered "That's about 1 percent."
About 1,500 people attended the funeral yesterday of Damion Blocker, 14, who was shot to death last week inside a District school in the Naylor Gardens neighborhood of Southeast Washington. Mayor Marion Barry told the mourners, many of them classmates and neighbors of Blocker's, at Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church in Southeast: "Young people, nothing is wrong with talking it out. It may save your life."
D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton and Chief Superior Court Judge Eugene N. Hamilton also attended the service....
Blocker was remembered as a young man who loved sports, community activities, and his 1-year-old daughter, Diamond.
Sources inside and outside the Cuban government have told us that the timing of last week's shootdown may not have been as simple as Cuba just defending what it claims to be a violation of its airspace. These sources tell us a right-wing faction within the Cuban government felt softening relations between the United States and Cuba had gone a bit too far and that the door should not be opened any wider....and NBC's "Today" show co-host Bryant Gumbel uses his considerable skills to interview U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright about increased sanctions against Cuba following the incident, February 27, 1996:
In his address to the Security Council, Cuba's U.N. Ambassador said that the increased U.S. sanctions, in his words, "cater to the extreme right wing in an election year." Isn't there some truth to that?