Andy Hall, who heads the ASU urban studies center, said of the students: "It's wonderful that the homeless came to them.... Often the best learning comes through relaxed conversation."
An Inclusive Litany
A secret Defense Intelligence Agency program that posed tough military questions to a handful of full-time, salaried psychics was kept alive for years at the insistence of a few senators and a congressional staff aide despite opposition from senior military intelligence officials....[Ed.: A CIA analysis of the $20 million project concluded that the psychics were accurate about 15 percent of the time. Among their tasks were to track down Moammar Gadhafi so that he could be hit in the 1986 bombing of Libya and to locate plutonium stashed away in North Korea.][C. Richard] D'Amato, who was assigned to the committee staff by Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), a former Appropriations Committee chairman, confirmed in an interview yesterday that he kept the program alive because four to six senators had expressed unusual and sustained interest in its potential, and because similar psychic research was being pursued by the Soviet Union, China and "some of our European allies."
Punctuated by what became ubiquitous sound bites—Tonya dashing after the tow truck, Nancy sailing the ice with one leg reaching for heaven—this melodrama parsed the transgressive hybridity of un-narrativized representative bodies back into recognizable heterovisual codes.
[Ed.: Imagine the uproar if the same logic were used to screen out AIDS sufferers.]

Gotbetter also previously filed a $50,000 lawsuit on behalf of a religious woman he also knew who, having been part of a crowd of people watching the filming of an HBO documentary about nude models, later found that a few seconds of footage with her in the crowd was included in the film, ruining her reputation and violating her civil rights. Another woman, who had been accused of shoving over a magazine stand and who was held for an hour by police, sued five New York agencies and officials as well as the newsstand company for $3 million and attorney's fees. Gotbetter also sued on behalf of his third ex-wife, who was "humiliated and embarrassed" when told by a bank security guard not to drink a complementary cup of coffee intended for customers; he didn't realize she was a customer. Mr. Gotbetter also filed a libel suit against the bank and the National Law Journal, which reported on the coffee case, on the basis that they had created the "false impression that [he] had filed a frivolous lawsuit."
...from the sexually voracious lesbian vampire to the "willfully murderous" bisexual spreader of AIDS, both the vampire myth and contemporary discourse of AIDS have expressed and mobilized a wide range of fears about (In)Human Sexuality. Whether it be the fear of women's desire, of homosexuality, impotence, castration, disease, contagion, or simply death, the creation of myths about both vampires and AIDS frequently expresses a widespread phobia about those beings and practices which seem to threaten the security of nation, family, or sexual identity.
Course description for English 243, "Feminism and Humor: What's So Funny?"
In this course, we will address the ways in which humor serves as both a productive and revolutionary form of feminist critique.... We'll read a variety of contemporary feminist novels to examine how humor is used by some feminist writers as a way of addressing social and political issues.

It turns out the letter came from a sixth-grader at the James Martin School in Philadelphia, whose teacher had given an assignment to write letters to companies about animal testing based on educational materials distributed by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
For those of us who love nature, and her creation, trails are and can be a source of travel and a hope when lost. I've come to the conclusion that this also applies to our furred brothers and sisters who try to live 24 hours a day in what was once their natural habitat. The bad news for them is, man has by his lack of understanding and/or concern blocked their rights of passage. In the past few days, I've noticed several dead animals, at the side of the road and on the freeway.It occurred to me that this high frequency may be the result, in large measure, of the center concrete divider. These barriers make it impossible for animals to traverse the highway, which for them is a means of egress. I'm saddened by the sight of death under any circumstances for all creatures. However, what really disturbs me is the fact that many of us don't seem to care. I base this conclusion upon four factors:
One of my personal heroes is Gandhi...
- Excess speeds on all our highways and roads.
- Man-made systems which do not take into account our four-legged friends.
- The notion, among some, that it doesn't matter.
- A general ignorance of our symbiotic relationship vis-a-vis all creation.
—Richard S. Gralewski
Santa Barbara
The Associated Press reports that in 1990 Disney had to settle out of court with an Idaho couple who claimed to have been traumatized after seeing Disney characters carrying their heads around.
The state pays almost $26 an hour per patient for group-therapy claims.
Many of the services are provided in after-school programs that enroll
hundreds of poor children, often illegally recruited through
door-to-door solicitation and flyers, according to state officials.
Medicaid rules require psychiatrists to provide nearly all services in person, but McClendon was paid for overseeing the work of others, including college students. Says Marjorie P. Smith, Georgia's Medicaid administrator, "It's not uncommon for us to discover during an investigation that, well, they've outsmarted us again." A federal grand jury is investigating bills submitted by McClendon.
State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs
Melinda Kimble offered this explanation for the unsuccessful meeting:
"I would like to say that one of the problems was that we were
working in six languages; at least three U.N. languages have only
one translation in their language for the term gender, and that is
sex. So, when the document says 'gender' in English, it says 'sex'
in Arabic, for example."
If you were an angel, how would you write your name on the Earth so people could read it? I mean, if you were an angel for whom a name is an energy, a sound, a power, and an assignment, how would you write a living letter to men and women who spend their days in worry and doubt?
For you, a thought is a reality, an intention is an act, an idea is a creation, and you have all the thoughts, intentions, and ideas of the world at your command. Let's say you have an alphabet of symbols and pictograms at your fingertips, like so many neon signs floating numinously in the ethers where you live. And let's say you wanted to impart the gentlest angelic kiss upon the face of Nature by swirling a field of ripe grain into one of your many signs but without breaking a single stalk. With your breath you will sculpt the seeds of life itself into a beautiful pattern, an invocation.
You know well that your heavenly beauty carries a little jolt of terror for us. Angels bring terror and beauty, said the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke. "For beauty is only the beginning of a terror we can just barely endure"—the recognition of a "stronger presence." But you are so finely subtle. Your terror is really the beauty of awakening, the jolt of pure reality, and you say, making circles instantaneously in the grain, "Look, how close we are."
These thoughts came to me the other morning as I sat on my porch looking at pictures of the crop circle phenomena in England....
In the background is the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorial. Each one of these is 19 feet high. [sic] Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president, Thomas Jefferson, the third president, and 16 and 3 make 19 again. What is so deep about this number 19? Why are we standing on the Capitol steps today? That number 19, when you have a 9, you have a womb that is pregnant, and when you have a 1 standing by the 9, it means that there's something secret that has to be unfolded....There in the middle of this mall is the Washington Monument, 555 feet high. But if we put a 1 in front of that 555 feet, we get 1555, the year that our first fathers landed on the shores of Jamestown, Virginia, as slaves. [The year was actually 1619.]...
[Concerning atonement] A tone means sound.... So what is the A tone? In music, A equals 440 vibrations. And how long have we been in America? Four hundred and forty years. [376 years] ...
White supremacy caused Napolean to blow the nose off the Sphynx because it reminded you too much of the black man's majesty....
The Democratic Party has for its symbol a donkey. The donkey stands for the unlearned masses of the people. But the Democratic Party can't call the masses no more. You got them all tied up, but you're not using them. The donkey's tied up. But can you get off today? No, I can't get off today, I'm tied up. Somebody on your donkey?
I single Jews out because of their oppression of blacks cannot go unnoticed while they disguise their evilness under the skirts and costumes of the Rabbi. Lift up the yarmulke and what you will find is the blood of billions of Africans weighing on their heads.... How dare any Jewish person ask me why I am obsessed with Jews. I speak of Jews because of those from their race who are always on our backs sucking the blood from the black community then pretending to be our friends.
[Ed.: As 1996 presidential candidate Lamar Alexander learned to his grief, the word "lamar" is Spanish slang for "to lick."]
- Astro-Creep, White Zombie
- Themes:
Abstract religious-themed songs about the devil taking over someone's
Pondering life after the Apocalypse.
A song critical of war.
Sensory overload of pleasure.
A song using Las Vegas gambling metaphors as a way to describe God's power.
Proclamation of one's zombie-like state.
The stranger one is, the more human one is.
A song about having sex, in a violent way, with an "angel," or virgin.
Beauty never dies.
- Tales from the Punchbowl, Primus
- Themes: Contains a song about a make-believe professor who will cure what ails you. Also a song about a teacher and other children who pick on a child, who is driven to murder another child. A woman uses her vagina to tease men sexually. A song chastising those who are unoriginal in their musical pursuits. A man pays to watch women dance and recognizes one dancer as his former lover. A song reminiscing about the past and seeing the irony in the present.
- Soup, Blind Melon
- Themes:
Repeatedly returning to a person or situation that leaves you feeling
full of self-doubt and hatred.
Talking to yourself.
Desire to be more like a woman named Vernie.
Making furniture out of human flesh.
Questioning one's personal perspective on the world and hoping that
God will "be a friend."
Living alone and feeling both angry and happy.
Trying to see another person's perspective.
Excitement about having a child and hoping the birth will bring "new
life" to the singer.
Lemonade as a metaphor for the sweet and the sour things in life.
- Dandelion, Dyslexicon
- Themes:
Shocking one another sexually.
Falling for a girl who lives in a trailer park.
Receiving reassurance that a relationship will be okay.
Feeling like you have nothing left to offer the world as an individual.
An ode to Evel Knievel, a famous motorcycle stuntman.
- And Out Come the Wolves, Rancid
- Themes:
Looking for a murderer.
Realizing what you've done wrong in life just before you die.
Missing Olympia, Washington, while surrounded by strangers in New York
What one sees when on drugs.
A twenty-one-year-old gang member with a Cadillac is a dangerous person.
An ode to an artist who lived his life outside the mainstream.
Being in a band and finding out what life on the road is like.
Feeling overwhelmed by injustices of the city.
A list of the negative things in life like death and dying.
- The Presidents of the United States of America, The Presidents of the United States of America
- Themes: A song about birds playing in a band. A song about a woman named Lump who is possessing the singer's thoughts. A man falls for a woman who works as a stripper in a porn booth. Desire to move to the country and eat peaches. Driving a dune buggy on the beach. Planning to fail as a band. A song about playing rock and roll enthusiastically. Admiring a body. Sitting on the back porch. What it's like to be "naked and famous."