An Inclusive Litany

It also brought him to the attention of the city's engineering department, which cited him for painting on public property without a permit, and warned him that each painted number (he painted more than 40) would constitute a separate offense. Further, they claimed that Marlowe's activities began four years earlier; the teenager said it had only been a few weeks. Marlowe faces fines totaling $750.
Perrigo was interrogated for five hours by the police. She later said that one of the policemen accused her of "having my daughter perform oral sex on me." Perrigo was formally accused of sexual abuse, including "acts of sexual conduct including mouth-to-breast contact." The term breast-feeding was never used.
Perrigo's case went before a local judge the following Monday morning,
and the judge threw all charges against her out of court.
But rather than give Cherilyn back to her mother, the Department of Social Services immediately filed another set of charges. The daughter was placed in a foster home. The social workers effectively claimed that Perrigo was a pervert because she was still breast-feeding her three-year-old daughter. Yet, as Dr. Ruth Lawrence, a University of Rochester pediatrician and one of the nation's foremost authorities on breast-feeding, notes, the international average length of nursing is 4.2 years. (One policeman reportedly lectured Perrigo on the night of her arrest that it was "physically impossible to nurse after eighteen months," so she must be nursing for her own gratification.)
The case against Perrigo was heard by a local family court judge three months later—and once again all the charges were thrown out of court.
Yet Cherilyn was kept in foster care, and social workers permitted Perrigo to see her daughter only two hours once every two weeks.
In the following months, Cherilyn was interrogated by social workers and psychologists more than thirty times. Five months later, family court judge Edward McLaughlin again dismissed all charges.
Donaldson also benefits from the Animal Damage Control Program, which allowed him to call USDA agents over to his ranch 412 times over five years in order to kill 74 coyotes and three bobcats that were preying on his livestock. This service cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars.

The Justice Department also condemned Chevy Chase for not opening any branches in census tracts with a majority of black residents. Ironically, federal agencies had repeatedly denied the Chevy Chase permission to expand into black areas. Chevy Chase had requested permission to open a branch in a black area of neighboring Prince George's County, and twice permission had been denied. The federal oversight banking agency had been concerned that Chevy Chase might have a higher loan default rate in those black areas, and that the losses from loans to minorities could undermine the bank's financial health.
The Justice Department's settlement required Chevy Chase to open four branches in black areas and to make loans to blacks with interest rates at 1 percent less than the prevailing mortgage rate. The bank was also obliged to give black borrowers a cash handout to help them with their down payments.

The Alabama Supreme Court sustained a lower court's $6 million punitive damage award against Ford, plus compensatory awards of $700,000 for "mental anguish" and nearly $1 million for economic loss. Mr. Foster's partner Dee-Witt Sperau, who is white, also joined the suit and will share in the awards.
[Ed: Like a snake eating its tail, liability can stem from failure to provide the sort of information that is often considered racist...]
Mickey Mantle was 19 years old when he burst into our lives, as strong as the heart of the great golden West, a fielder of dreams in a time of infinite promise. It was 1951, the boom-time after a world war won, early summer afternoon in the American Century....
And like America in the 50's, he was burdened with a distant sense of doom. For America it was the threat of atomic attack by the Soviet Union. A generation of sports fans grew up with the Mick and with "duck and cover" air-raid drills in school. For Mantle it was Hodgkin's disease that killed most males in his family before they reached 40. His father, his biggest booster, died after Mantle's rookie season.
The threats to both America and Mantle ultimately proved empty, but they dominated the psyche of the country and the center fielder and gave them each an urgency and a poignancy that affected behavior in often destructive ways. America abused itself with the cold war. Mantle had booze.
Taking their protest against France's nuclear tests in the Pacific to new heights this past Christmas, activists in Britain urged that no French-kissing be done under the mistletoe. They also urged their fellow countrymen to boycott French mistletoe in favor of the homegrown variety.[Ed.: A trade association of Australian prostitutes announced that to protest French nuclear testing, they would boycott French underwear, hosiery, and cosmetics. Also, Australia's largest chain of adult sex shops and cinemas has taken all French products off its shelves.]
HUD also financed apartments with market values of up to $500,000 each
in La Jolla, California, a super-rich suburb of San Diego, with lavish
furnishings and panoramic 180-degree views of the Pacific ocean. HUD
then placed twenty-eight welfare-recipient families with incomes as
high as $34,000 in the units under Section 8. Even some local
activists recognized that the project would spark great resentment
among taxpayers who could only dream about such housing. Mel Shapiro
of San Diego told one newspaper, "I'm a housing advocate, but I'm not
an idiot."
HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, on the other hand, is pushing to expand the program, calling Section 8 "a wonderful mechanism because it gives people tremendous choice and mobility."
Neighbors will tell you there's no doubt that neglect killed the [two] Elmore [toddlers, who suffocated in a locked car], but it wasn't the neglect of a distracted parent or an indifferent community that doesn't watch its own. They say it is years of neglect by the city, the federal government and the media.