An Inclusive Litany

Another New York inmate, ulcer-suffering Reginald Troy of the Shawangunk Correctional Facility in Wallkill, also sued. He claimed it was unconstitutional not to provide him lamb, veal and oysters for his meals—foods allowed, but not prescribed, by his doctor.
Although 97 percent of prisoners' suits in federal court are dismissed before trial, there were still 33,000 in 1993, about 15 percent of all federal civil suits, and up from just a few hundred in the 1960s. New York State Attorney G. Oliver Koppell estimated that it takes 20 percent of his department's resources to defend against such suits.
The executive officer of the USS George Washington has relayed that a number of items were removed from Staterooms on the ship during the White House visit. The following items are unaccounted for:
13 Blue Towels with GW Insignia $11 each 4 GW Bathrobes with Insignia $35 each 12 Plain White Bathrobes $15 each 55 White Towels $1.80 each As you know, the ship and the U.S. Navy served as our gracious hosts during this trip. They provided these items for our use, not as souvenirs. They have requested reimbursement of $562 from the White House for the above items.
If you are responsible for removing one or more of these items from the ship, please remit payment to Michael Lufrano in Room 185 of the OEOB. Make any checks payable to the USS George Washington. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call either of us at 456-7560 or Capt. Rogers at 456-2150.

Gore has six more aides on the payroll than his predecessor Dan Quayle, plus an executive office staff of 21. The Reinventing Government plan, which recommends cutting 252,000 federal jobs, excludes his own office.
Stocks had their best performance in months this week, on news of sustained growth with negligible inflation, and the job picture is good as well. But does the President get credit? No.. . .
The recovery of the 1990s does not seem to be translating into better living standards. Wages are generally flat, job creation last month slowed, and the new jobs are often low-pay, dead-end service jobs, roughly one-fifth of them with temporary agencies.
Austin healing woman and spiritual counselor Shamaan Ochaum had a vision of the Mother asking us to use roses to pray for peace, gathering their petals, and drop them from the air over Bosnia. When the petals hit the ground, the ice in the men's eyes will melt.Please bring roses or send envelopes full of petals to this address: 227 Congress Ave., Austin TX 78701
The organizational structure should be extroverted with more "surface" exposed to the American intellectual, policy, and media environment and with more sensing mechanisms for recognizing emerging changes and the implications for our work.
This letter is written in response to the April 14 article that informed us of Octavia the Octopus's death.I am absolutely enraged that such a careless accident was allowed to happen. I am no expert, but even I am aware of the octopus's agility and perseverance. That drain must have been a constant focus point for an octopus forced to live in a much too small tank, and whose full attention must have focused on getting out of that "trap."
Octopuses are very determined and intelligent creatures, and to be faced with such a desperate situation would only heighten these characteristics. Octavia felt she must escape and return to her home at any cost. She never would have given up.
An animal with that kind of drive and determination surely must be classified as a cognizant being, and as such has the same rights and freedoms to which we are all entitled...
I feel great anger and sadness at this beautiful animal's unfortunate encounter with humans. Organizations who purport to be "pro-animal" should, at the very least, live up to the responsibilities inherent in such a claim and show the respect and concern that all living beings have a right to. Institutions such as Cabrillo Marine Aquarium need to devote themselves to the study and understanding of the world which we co-occupy with so many others.
—Susan Ellas
La Crescenta

Organizer Kies Baker insisted detractors didn't understand his project—"this is a positive act," an "offering to the sea" in return for all that man has "stolen" from it over the ages. "Holland feels guilty," according to Baker and other supporters, because a third of Holland's land was reclaimed from the sea.
The statue cost $545,000 and the 20,000 loaves of bread were baked by a dozen local bakers from grain grown on reclaimed land with water drained from an artificial sea. Supporters could sponsor a loaf of bread for only $7.
Members of the Association of Black Psychologists said yesterday in Denver that the Los Angeles riots were a healthy outlet for black oppression, and if the Rodney King verdict had not sparked the violence, something else would have. "We think it is a healthy sign, instead of repressing all those feelings," said Richard Webb, chairman of the Association's social action committee. About 300 people are attending this annual conference this week, examining racism, violence prevention, and other issues affecting the black community.
At Berkeley, A machete-wielding 20-year-old woman killed by Berkeley police left a note: "We are willing to die for this land." She had been angry about construction of volleyball courts in People's Park.
One standard conservative argument against antipoverty policies is their cost: taxes burden the affluent and thus, by lowering work incentive, reduce economic output. But if one goal of the policy is to bolster monogamy, then making the affluent less so would help. Monogamy is threatened not just by poverty in an absolute sense but also by the relative wealth of the rich. This is what lures a young woman to a wealthy married or formerly married man. It is also what makes the man who attracts her feel too good for just one wife. As for the economic consequences, the costs of soaking the rich might well be outweighed by the benefits, financial and otherwise, of more stable marriages, fewer divorces, fewer abused children and less loneliness and depression.

Fashion is generated by disparate sources, and one of the surest, if least obvious, is television news. Between April 26, when the South African elections began, and May 6, when Nelson Mandela won, I watched the nightly news without the sound to see what sort of style elements were penetrating our psyches.What a delight it is to report that the intricate African stylishness, and expertise with line, drapery, texture, inventiveness, and detail that outclasses that of the French, will now become more evident to Americans through the nattiness and taste of President Mandela.
He is so stylish! He looks handsome in Western suits and ties. And his high-collared patterned shirts, buttoned to the neck, beautifully cut, look at once monarchical and grandfatherly. The shirt he wore for an interview with Peter Jennings, with its black yoke and its black-and-gray stripes, not only was modern but also looked perfectly suited to the leopard skin and beaded crown he later donned in a bow to history.
Camouflage has been creeping into fashion in the last two years. And indeed, one of the most prevalent groups on the news recently has been the army: the South African Army, the right-wing South African Nationalist Army, the Bosnian Army, the United Nations peacekeeping forces, the Rwandan armies, the Tanzanian Army, the Haitian Army, the Israeli Army. And all of them wear the most exotic array of camouflage patterns.
Some people will undoubtedly consider it frivolous to mention fashion and killing in the same sentence. Yet warrior fashion is an ancient and elaborate tradition, and nowhere is it more treasured than in Africa.
During the Somali conflict last year, for example, pictures of a Somali warlord's teenage gunmen suddenly flashed onto the television screen. Dressed in faded camouflage shirts and pants, probably army castoffs, they wore long scarfs around their necks and waist cinchers (the kind women in the United States wore in the late 1950s). Where they had gotten the waist cinchers no one seemed to know, but the image of teenage boys brandishing rifles and wearing this odd, Madonna-ish feminine accoutrement was terrifying, and firmly in the tradition of cross-dressing warriors in tribal Africa, Asia, and North America.
In a similar but less spectacular way, a teenage Rwandan gunman appeared on the screen recently wearing faded, obviously cast-off camouflage, a long scarf he must have made around his neck, and a beige, monklike pointy hood on his head. He flailed into camera range, somehow managing to brandish two sticks and a rifle, a crazed look in his eyes. It was a horribly stylish and most chillingly effective outfit.
[Ed.: The following year, Archbishop Desmond Tutu criticized President Mandela for wearing colorful shirts. "He is so elegant in his suits," said Tutu. "I do not like him in his shirts."]
Having been graduated from high school, Fontes is now a college student in Oregon, where she contemplates a career in law.
[Ed.: A 1991 study, based on interviews with 23 Atlanta preschoolers, concluded that 90 percent of children were as aware of the cartoon camel as they were of Mickey Mouse. Other studies have failed to duplicate this finding. The Federal Trade Commission has been unable to prove that Joe Camel has lured a single teenager to begin or continue smoking. This should come as no surprise, since the aim of most advertising is to get a person already consuming a product to switch brands.]

The theme continues in Green Eggs and Ham, where the top-hatted creature who constantly says "I do not like that, Sam-I-Am," represents parental rejection of the "anarchic and inventive child figure." And Sam-I-Am's repeated offerings of the green eggs and ham is itself symbolic of a child's attempt to win a parent's approval and "to ease adult gloom with the gift of imagination."
Perhaps most unsettling, Wolf says that children's literature is "an absolutely beautiful field for scholars."
[Ed.: The term 'Colonial Studies' usually refers to the legacy of dead white males who traveled to places they didn't belong and foisted their questionable values on the local populace, not to modern academics who do the same.]

On the one hand, as scientists, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we'd like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climate change. To do that we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public's imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and make little mention of the doubts that we may have.Timothy Wirth, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs, 1990:
We've got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.Teya Ryan, Senior Producer of Turner Broadcasting's CNN-produced "Network Earth" series, in the Gannett Center Journal, Summer 1990:
The "balanced" report, in some cases, may no longer be the most effective, or even the most informative. Indeed, it can be debilitating. Can we afford to wait for our audience to come to its own conclusions? I think not.Boston Globe environmental reporter Dianne Dumanoski at an Utne Reader symposium, May 17-20, 1990:
There is no such thing as objective reporting... I've become even more crafty about finding the voices to say the things I think are true. That's my subversive mission.

On the morning of Sunday, February 20, 1994, state and federal marshals searched Lin's property for Tipton kangaroo rats. Finding bits they claimed were part of a deceased rat, they confiscated Lin's tractor and discing machine. However, after three months the Fish and Wildlife Service was still unable to prove that the animal remains they found were actually part of an endangered species. The only difference between a Tipton kangaroo rat and non-endangered rats is a tenth of an inch in the length of the back feet.
The Fish and Wildlife Service not only charged the farmer, but also brought suit against the manufacturer of the tractor. Bakersfield businessman E.G. Berthold was surprised to receive a set of official documents from the U.S. Attorney's office titled "The United States of America vs. One Ford Tractor, Serial No. Nd1VC715V."
A disagreement has arisen over how to treat dolls of characters
from the Star Trek television show. Captain Kirk is okay, but Mr.
Spock isn't. Dan Madsen, president of Star Trek: The Official Fan
Club in Colorado, said customs officials "ought to cut Spock some
slack" because his mother, Amanda, was human. But British customs
officials are standing firm on Spock. "We see no reason to change
our interpretation," says customs spokesman Dez Barratt-Denyer.
"You don't find a human with ears that size."
Oddly enough, Europe's toy makers, the supposed beneficiaries of the quotas, oppose the protection. EU companies make doll accessories from imported Chinese toys and fear they will lose $200 million in business and 500 jobs. "The whole thing is a great bungle," says Peter Waterman of the Toy Manufacturers of Europe and the British Toy and Hobby Association. "It seems very strange that we should have customs officials involved in a discussion of whether Mr. Spock is an alien or a human being."
While perusing the January magazine, my wife came upon the advertisement on pages one and two. The first page read: "What has 250,000 feet and a multibillion dollar income?" The next page provided the answer: "The 125,000 graduates of Northeastern University." My wife asked me if I thought there was anything wrong with the advertisement. After thinking about it, I realized that it should really have read: "What has 250,001 feet and a multibillion dollar income?" I have a spare leg in the closet.
I realize that sometimes it is easy to forget people are disabled because they don't fit a certain image... The point is, there are many "disabled" graduates of Northeastern. I use quotes because we are all "disabled" in one manner or another, even if the "disability" is only placing mental or physical limitations on others. It's stunning that today, even after passing of legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, this publication would alienate a portion of the population with an advertisement of this type. I'm not offended, but I can understand how other people might be.
—Patrick M. Pickle, BA '91
Mesa, Arizona
This movie is full of stereotypes: The good-for-nothing hyenas are urban blacks; the archvillain's gestures are effeminate, and he speaks in supposed gay cliches. The film embeds messages that are hostile to the impoverished and the different. Why should lions be rich while hyenas are poor? The implication here is that somehow the lions deserve what they have and must guard against those who have less. Why does Pride's Rock [home of the lions] deteriorate to barren rubble when the hyenas move in? Because they have too many children—they eat too much. There's no thought of sharing here, no compassion for their unequal plight.
University librarian George Shipman agreed to relabel all 25,000 slides in question JPN, a costly task that could take years. Writing in the student newspaper, the Oregon Daily Emerald, Shipman said that "the university library serves people of all cultures and viewpoints, and the slide collection is an important campus resource supporting multicultural education. The library is happy to make this change in the spirit of diversity, sensitivity, and respect."
From our very begining we knew publishing a homeless controlled and operated newspaper would be ab achievement without many difficulties but we did it....Yet homelessness, with all of it's trauma, is only the edge of the ever increasing darkness. There is also unemployment, deterioraing health care systemss, inferior public education, random violence, rape and murder. And last, but not the least, there is also uniform and mobilized against those who have been named the "ENEMY" by those who created and are responsible for our problems at home.
...The united Nation's standard on human rights call for the right to housing, quality health care and public education, non-descrimination of race and sex, and many others. These are International charters which our goverment has signed in agreement and support of these rights.
...A system which cannot employ those who are willing to work and support those weho for good reasons can't, is a system which is in violation of these same rights. Our goverment must be held accountable for it's commitments to the human rights of our people right here at home.
...A few tems of billions averted from our military budget would be good for starters, but the foundation to any reform of this nature is to CREATE JOBS for those who are willing to work and to provide GUARANTEED ASSISTANCE to those who can't.
...We , the members of the Homeless Empowerment project and the Spare Change share a dream that someday all people can emerge from the darkness and stand in the light of the sun. But it is a runninmg battle, with the darkness spereading faster than ever. So far we have been able to strike a few matches an even managed to get a candle or two burning.