An Inclusive Litany
With the Memorial Day weekend, you've been hearing plenty of stories about summertime health hazards to watch out for in the weeks ahead. Some of those hazards, though, may be less obvious than others. For example, a day at the golf course. There's fun, sun, exercise, and nature—and just maybe, a toxic cocktail right under your nose. If you took all the golf courses in all the land and put them together they would equal the size of Delaware and Rhode Island. But the chemicals needed to tend those 3000 square miles of grass are raising fears the links may be lethal.
- "Raoul is in prison for six years for murder. He got
$10,000 for the hit. If his common-law wife is spending $100 per
month, how much money will be left when he gets out of prison and
how many years will he get for killing the bitch that spent his
- "Jose has 2 ounces of cocaine and he sells an 8-ball to
Jackson for $320, and 2 grams to Billy Joe for $85 per gram. What
is the street value of the balance if he doesn't cut it?"
- "Johnny has an AK-47 with a 40-round clip. If he misses six out of 10 shots and shoots 13 times at each drive-by shooting, how many drive-by shootings can he attend before he has to reload?"
- "Rufus is pimping three girls. If the price is $65 for each
trick, how many tricks will each girl have to turn before Rufus can
pay for his $800-a-day crack habit?"
- "If the Crips are driving a car at 65 m.p.h. towards the Bloods, who are driving a car in the opposite direction at 40 m.p.h., how many shots will the Crips and Bloods exchange before their assault weapons jam?"
Parents say first-year teacher, Charles Routen, 45, should be fired. The school's 11-member Local School Council voted to dismiss Routen, but Board of Education spokeswoman Lauri Sanders said only the board has that authority.
Teachers say the test sounds like a parody that has been circulating among educators for months. "I don't think anyone really took it seriously," said Russ White, superintendent of schools in Wilmington. But, White added, "I can't imagine a teacher actually giving it to a class." Charles Johnson of the Chicago Associated Press opined, "He was obviously rather incompetent."
Cynthia Bailey, whose son is in the class, said Routen admits making a mistake and has offered to quit. "He went on to say that he felt that maybe this was the only way he could relate to the children," she said.
"I don't see anything wrong with the test," said student Natasha Chambers, 13. "He wrote one problem [about the number of bullets in an AK-47 rifle] on the board, and then said we didn't have to take it. Most of us took it."
Even Colin Ferguson was not impressed with the strategy. In a series
of letters to the Nassau County Court written several months after the
crime took place, Ferguson complains that "The 'black rage' defense
is nothing more than Kunstler and Kuby [a second attorney] satisfying
their own dishonest political agenda. They don't want to try the case
on the facts."
Ferguson was later judged mentally competent to represent himself in his own trial, at which he attempted to subpoena President Clinton and also contended that another passenger did the shooting after stealing the automatic weapon the dozing Ferguson happened to be carrying in a bag.
In an Associated Press interview, Ferguson denied he was a racist. "[Racism] destroys the very fiber of your being, any kind of hate based on race," he said. "We can always absorb disagreement without inflicting wounds on anyone."

West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Richard Neely advertised for a law clerk "capable of applying feminist criticism, Critical Legal Studies' technique, and structuralist and deconstructionist textual theory to workers' compensation statutes and Article 9 of the U.C.C." He received numerous applications.
Well, I think our position on settlements is well known. It certainly comes up from time to time in the context of, you know, testimony and other things. We do—the briefers—also, from time to time, get those questions as well. As to—you know, nothing has changed on that in terms of our position and, you know, I think it's—you know, I can refer you to, you know, to probably previous statements by officials on that. But I don't have anything—you know, I mean, you know, our—I think—I don't have—you know, I—we—usually we try to have, you know, a little bit of something on that. I'm not sure that it's going to be, you know, specifically what you're looking for. You know, generally speaking, our position on the settlements is that it's the Palestinians and Israelis have agreed that the final status negotiations will cover these issues and, you know, that's—that's also our view.
Many among the audience were unprepared for such a message. One
spectator described a scene in which "people knocked over the
chairs to get out from under the clotheslines," noting that the
bloody towels appeared to be paper and "looked like they were
going to drip or fall apart." However, preperformance publicity
warned of "erotic torture" and "bondage and discipline
technique," adding that "viewer discretion is advised."
Kathy Halbreich, director of the Walker Art Center, where the performance was held, defended Athey's show. "You can describe any action out of context and make it seem sensational and without meaning," she said. Rich Danilla, supervisor of AIDS epidemiology at the Minneapolis County Health Department, added that there "would be no risk unless the cloth was dripping with blood and then dripped into your eye or mouth." As for Athey himself, he calls the reaction further proof that society is "extremely homophobic" and "extremely AIDS-phobic."
[Ed.: Athey, who has metal bolts in his nipples, commented on other forms of piercing, "I don't like d*** piercings too much, because if you're giving head to people who have them, the metal bangs against the back of your throat."]
Are we in an era of government by Geraldo? Have we created an atmosphere where no one with any interesting aspects of their past is going to want to get involved in politics? Are we going to look back on this time 100 years from now the way we look back on Salem? ... We're going to wind up with government by goody-goodies, government by people who have done nothing in their life except walk the straight and narrow, who have no creative thoughts. We're going to look back on this 100 years from now and say we drove some of our best people out of politics. In the 20th century, having an interesting sexual history is a leading indicator of success in the presidency.
[Ed.: A couple of years later, Mr. Klein became notorious for his role as author of the anonymously penned novel Primary Colors, a thinly veiled burlesque of the Clinton campaign's various foibles. Could it be that Mr. Klein has changed his mind?]
We understand things when they occur to us—we don't want to be killed, but then we require somebody else to lose their life for nothing more fleeting than a taste....It's a cut and dried issue in the case of animals killed for the table—it's just a habit, and we don't need them and we don't have to take their lives. We don't have to cut their lives short, and so that's something that everybody should be able to agree on. The only reason people don't is because they have a taste for meat.

Luckily for those companies, U.S. District Judge John S. Martin Jr. wasn't having any of it. According to the New York Times, the judge considered Williams's credentials—the plaintiff is serving two life terms plus 200 years for killing a West Virginia police officer in 1975 and a West Virginia state trooper in 1979—and the fact that Williams failed to present any evidence of his claims. Martin then dismissed the complaints.
Upon hearing Martin's decision, Williams vowed to file two new lawsuits, for unspecified reasons, against Reebok and Chase Mart.
(Ricardo Bunge) Mr. Allman, I'm not seeing anything I type... (Jim Casey) Thx. (Larry H. Lewis) is this working? (John C. Burns) why am I not posting (Rebecca Winters) Oh, now it is. (Annette Leonard) isthis working? (Zach) Can everybody hear/see me all right? (Josh Harris) buffer (Byron Odwazny) hello/status (Jim Casey) Yes zach (Zach) Thanks. (Ben Huntoon) implementation of Internet technology among (Ben Huntoon) wealthy and poor school districts? (STEVEN R. KOSS) should I see my # and name after hitting return? (Hugh McArthur) ?? (Jim Casey) Steven: No. (Sara Arnold) Hi. (Betty Knight) This is a test (Dion Douglas) No name will be returned after typing words (george smart) this thing is going very fast (Hugh McArthur) \test (lou) buffer hellocan y (Martin Vasko) josh...yes (Alex Calvo) Bill, I feel I must apologize for all of us... (Zach) So, Mr. Allman, how did you get him to agree to do this conference? (Amy Harmon) hi (Paul De Groot/Canad) [D (Paul De Groot/Canad) [D (Arthur Goldstein) Hello (Robert Pellegrini) hello, is the VP there yet??? (mike powers) Annette: DOn't KNow (Betty Knight) Hi (Al) Hi (jacqueline a close) hello (Susan Finster) A transcript of the conference will be available in the US News Forum. (george smart) Please anyone — confirm you wee me (mike powers) CAN ANYONE TELL ME HOW TO SEE WHAt I', SENDING? (Larry H. Lewis) Do we have to ask superhighway questions? (Edward Felker) [~[v:~rq (MICHAEL GEBERT) HELLO (John C. Burns) \/buffer (deibert) hi everybody (Bill Allman/US News) the moderator this afternoon. Vice President (Bill Allman/US News) Gore will join us online from his office (Bill Allman/US News) in the West Wing of the White House in a (Chrysanne Poole) 0//send hello (Bill Allman/US News) "question" [/question], which will put you in (Bill Allman/US News) the question queue. When you get the message (Bill Allman/US News) that it is your turn to ask a question, (Bill Allman/US News) please begin by telling us where you are (Bill Allman/US News) from. It is not necessary to state your (Josh Harris) How does this conference work? (Gary E. Hogsten) Hello from hellohello (Bill Allman/US News) name, as this appears automatically. You (Jonathan Fligner) Hi Bill (Bill Allman/US News) should keep your question as short as (Bill Allman/US News) characters long — followed by carriage (Bill Allman/US News) be online shortly. This conference is also (Bill Allman/US News) being broadcast live on C-SPAN cable television. (Bill Allman/US News) Thank you. (rivi) S5iG>U | 3#R(iLejC63
- Articulate
- Can be considered offensive when referring to a minority, particularly a black person, and his or her ability to handle the English language. The usage suggests that "those people" are not considered well-educated, articulate, and the like.
- Barracuda
- A negative generalization of persons without morals and/or ethical standards or judgements. Many times directed at forceful women. Do not use.
- Community
- Implies a monolithic culture in which people act, think and vote in the same way. Do not use, as in Asian, Hispanic, black or gay community. Be more specific as to what the group is: e.g. Black residents in a north side neighborhood.
- Dear
- A term of endearment objectionable to some. Usage such as "He was a dear man" or "She is a dear" should be avoided.
- Dutch treat
- To share the cost, as in a date. Implies that Dutch people are cheap.
- Fried chicken
- A loaded phrase when used carelessly and as a stereotype, referring to the cuisine of black people. Also applies to watermelon.
- Ghetto blaster
- A large portable stereo popular with all youth. Offensive because it is culture specific and stereotypical. Use portable stereo or boom box.
- Golden years
- Avoid, as this characterizes people's later years as uniformly idyllic.
- Guido
- An Italian first name offensive when used to denote membership in the Mafia. Also used as a description of street punks.
- Guppies
- A gay young urban professional. The generic term is Yuppie, which, if used, refers to all young urban professionals.
- Gyp
- An offensive term meaning to cheat, derived from gypsy.
- Hymie
- A derogatory term for those of the Jewish faith. Avoid this and any other derogatory term for jews.
- [Ed.: Jesse Jackson, take note.]
- Illegal Alien
- Often used to refer to Mexicans and Latin Americans believed to be in the United States without visas; the preferred term is undocumented worker or undocumented resident.
- Jew
- Refers to people of the Jewish faith. Some people find use of Jew alone offensive and prefer Jewish person. Not a synonym for stingy. Always used as a noun, never a verb.
- [Ed.: Michael Jackson, take note.]
- Mafia, Mafiosi
- A secret society of criminals and its members. Do not use as a synonym for "organized crime" or the "underworld."
- Peg leg
- Use prosthesis or artificial limb. Also avoid hook.
- Project
- As in public housing project, has come to denote race. Use public housing development or subsidized housing.
- Qualified minorities
- Do not use in stories about affirmative action. Unnecessary description that indicates minorities are generally unqualified.
- Rubbing noses
- Allegedly an Eskimo kiss. However, Eskimos don't rub noses and object to the characterization. Do not use.
- Senior citizens
- Do not use for anyone under 65. In general, avoid ageism by giving ages where relevant. Do not describe people as elderly, senile, matronly or well-preserved. Also do not identify people as grandparents unless it is relevant to the story. Do not use dirty old man, codger, coot, geezer, silver fox, old-timers, Pop, old buzzard. Blue-haired is objectionable when used to characterize older people.
- Ugh
- A guttural sound used to mimic American Indian speech. Highly offensive. See "American Indian."
- Uncle Tom
- Refers to a black person who allegedly has abandoned his/her culture. Objectionable because no person or group can appropriately attach judgmental terms to others. Just as objectionable: Banana when referring to Asian-Americans who have allegedly abandoned their culture, Coconut for Mexican-Americans and Oreo for black Americans.
- Wannabe
- Refers to those who mimic a style or behavior of another group or want to be a member of another group. Use advisedly. For instance, a person dressed in red or blue isn't necessarily a wannabe Blood or Crip gang member. Nor is the person necessarily a gang member. Also use the term gang member advisedly for the same reasons.
- Without rhythm
- A stereotype about whites. Implies that others have rhythm, also a stereotype.
- Woman
- the preferred term for a female adult. Girl is appropriate only for those 17 years old and under. Avoid gal and lady. Also avoid derogatory terms for women, such as skirt, broad, chick, bimbo, babe, ball and chain, and little woman. Also avoid adjectives describing female physical attributes and mannerisms such as pert, petite, foxy, buxom, fragile, feminine, stunning, gorgeous, statuesque, or full-figured.