An Inclusive Litany
Do you know there are people who say that she [Hillary Clinton], like Winnie Mandela, gets too far out front, that it's not healthy politically for a woman to be so far out front?

Corrao's dealings did not strike Judge Betty Fletcher as a real job: Corrao "did not organize drug dealers nor did he have an organized or extensive clientele," and his drug peddling showed "no indication of initiative, organization, responsibility, or physical or mental exertion." But Fletcher ruled that Corrao's heroin addiction was disabling enough to make him eligible for federal Supplementary Security Income.
Strangely enough, no one has suggested that Corrao be arrested for selling illegal narcotics.
A nightclub has been ordered to close down its main attraction, a shower enclosure where nude dancers cavort for male customers, because the enclosure has no wheelchair access.Los Angeles officials said the club discriminates against wheelchair-bound people because of lack of access to the shower, denying them an equal opportunity to work as nude dancers.
Ron Shigeta, head of the Disabled Access Division of the city's Department of Building and Safety, said the law is the law, no matter how ridiculous it might seem to some people.
"I can't argue one way or the other whether a disabled person would want to be up there performing. But if an able-bodied person could have been up there doing it, a disabled person should have been able to, also," Shigeta told the Los Angeles Daily News.
He said the shower was considered a stage, and a stage had to be accessible to the handicapped.
"They built something that the physically disabled cannot use. The law doesn't allow you to discriminate, and that's what it comes down to, you're denying people the opportunity," he added.
Before the attraction was shut down patrons at the Odd Ball Cabaret paid $20 to sit inside a frosted glass enclosure and watch a nude dancer bump and grind under a shower for about five minutes.
Other patrons, who only paid the $5 entry fee, merely saw the shadow of the dancer through the glass.
Shigeta could not be reached for comment Thursday but a spokesman for the Department of Building and Safety confirmed that the shower attraction had been closed down.
An employee at the nightclub said the club had no comment on the matter.
Fed by rumors [from Mexico] that Americans were coming to kidnap children, cut out their vital organs and ship them to the United States for transplantation, an extraordinary panic has swept Guatemala over the last month.... The situation has become so serious that the United States Embassy is recalling some 200 Peace Corps volunteers from the countryside to the capital... and the State Department has warned Americans not to travel to the country.
Citations were being issued by the Village of East Hampton [New York] for what amounted to the unauthorized exhibition of large orange gourds on the grounds of the gourmet food shop that [Jerry] Della Famina, the flamboyant Manhattan advertising man, operates year-round in the village. And when Mr. Della Famina stuck to his pumpkins, ignoring the summonses, village officials felt they had to take drastic action: They issued a warrant for his arrest..."I never knew you could go to jail for flowers and pumpkins," Mr. Della Famina said.
Larry Cantwell, the village administrator, responded, "The village takes its code seriously and feels it has no alternative but to enforce it."

But now a Clinton Administration plan for dealing with the homeless says that during the late 1980s as many as seven million Americans were homeless. Paul Schmelzer, of the National Coalition for the Homeless, commented that the seven million figure was derived from New York City and Philadelphia housing records which were then extrapolated nationally over a five-year period.
When the Census Bureau measured the number of homeless on a single day as part of its 1990 Census, it came up with a figure of fewer than 230,000. Studies by the National Academy of Sciences and the Department of Housing and Urban Development arrived at similar numbers.
[Ed.: The original logic of the modern regulatory state was to plug up a free society's holes. The logic is now such that regulation itself must be a lattice-like structure that is itself free of holes.]
Lois Lindahl, district director for middle-senior instructional support and the woman who enforced the rule, told the Miami Herald that the guidelines exist to protect black students. "Eventually you have to take a position," she said. "Most of all, it's not fair to the children in the school who did not have the opportunity [to make the team]."
A reconfigured team with six extra black students was allowed to compete after three non-black participants resigned from the team in protest.
- The texture of the brownie shall be firm but not hard.
- Pour batter into a pan at a rate that will yield uncoated
brownies which, when cut such as to meet the dimension
requirements specified in regulation 3.4f, will weigh
approximately 35 grams each.
- The dimensions of the coated brownie shall not exceed 3 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches by 5/8 inch.
- Shelled walnut pieces shall be of the small piece size classification, shall be of a light color, and shall be U.S. No. 1 of the U.S. Standards for Shelled English Walnuts. A minimum of 90 percent, by weight, of the pieces shall pass through a 4/16-inch-diameter round-hole screen and not more than 1 percent, by weight, shall pass through a 2/16-inch-diameter round-hole screen.
[New York City schools chancellor Ramon C.] Cortines said that he was drafting a new condom policy to give parents a right to forbid their children to receive condoms [in school]... But he said he did not believe such a parental option "is the answer by itself.""We have to couple that with a very strong parent education program," Mr. Cortines said. "Obviously we are not being very successful in educating students."
An attempt by a tiny private high school in rural Sonoma County to provide students with complete information on issues relating to their sexuality has alarmed parents and county authorities.As part of a sex-education course at the Cazadero Academy last spring, a school official distributed a one-page handout to 14- to 19-year-old students on how to induce an abortion with an herbal tincture.
The detailed instructions explain how to mix herbs such as cohosh and pennyroyal with vodka, then describe a daily and weekly regimen for drinking the tincture until bleeding begins.
But the sheet contains no instructions on what to do if any emergency arises or any suggestion that a woman should consult a parent or physician.
Carol Miller, administrator and teacher at the small school, conceded that the omission was unwise but said that she covered that information in the classroom. "I told the kids if they are going to attempt an abortion on their own," she said, "they should also have guidance from a midwife." ...
"It's basically a good school," said one parent, who asked not to be identified. "But this is too much. I was horrified."
Another parent, Terri Carpenter, said her daughter had discussed the handout with her—but, she added, "I didn't know about the vodka."
I don't believe for a second that Clinton's been a better or worse president because he's femme—only that he's been cruelly and suggestively skewered because he is more like a woman than not. When he stands next to his vaguely butch, breadwinning wife, Clinton looks less power-hungry than accessible, mortal. Taken together, the Clintons embody the changing nature of politics, sexual and otherwise. Taken alone, Clinton looks more like people I care for than people I fear. Ultimately that is the shock of this new presidency. Clinton incarnates a generation of men who came of age under feminism and the civil rights movement, men who don't always wear privilege with ease. Like his, their hunger isn't reducible to pure need, pure greed. When I look at Clinton, the memory of Reagan and Bush's toxic paternalism and appetite for destruction fades. Bill Clinton looks more like the future, as uncertain as that seems.
The First Amendment only protects that speech that can manage to get itself expressed, and often that is the speech of power. Only that speech that can be expressed is speech that the government can attempt to silence; in the name of dissent one can then attempt to use the First Amendment to defend that speech. But what about those layers of society that have been deeply silenced, among them sexually violated women, including prostituted women, including groups who are kept illiterate and thus not given access to speech from slavery times through the present. Those groups the First Amendment doesn't help. They need equality to get access to speech—to get to the point where the First Amendment could help them by keeping the government from interfering with their speech. We have barely heard from those groups.
ARTICLE TITLE: Erotism and Chaos.
ARTICLE SOURCE: J Am Acad Psychoanal (United States), Spring 1990, 18(1) p5-17
AUTHOR(S): Giovacchini PL
MAJOR SUBJECT HEADING(S): Physician-Patient Relations; Psychoanalytic Theory; Psychoanalytic Therapy; Sex Behavior
MINOR SUBJECT HEADING(S): Anxiety Disorders [psychology]; Defense Mechanisms; Drive; Ego; Freudian Theory; Object Attachment; Personality Development; Psychosexual Development
INDEXING CHECK TAG(S): HumanABSTRACT: There is a continuum from primitive, undifferentiated feelings that are simply the manifestations of homeostatic balance and imbalance to highly differentiated, pleasurable erotic feelings that characterize mature, intimate love relationships. Sensory reactions are elevated from simple reflex levels to highly complex, sophisticated affects that involve wide areas of the psyche. Thus, affects are associated with integration and organized psychic structure. Consequently they may function in various ways. Freud developed a continuum for anxiety as initially functioning as a conversion reaction enabling sexual feelings that cannot reach mentational levels or be consummated in erotic activity to be discharged. It reaches a final level of organization where it serves as a signal calling various defenses into play as emerging instinctual impulses threaten to upset psychodynamic equilibrium. I have focused on how affects, erotic feelings in particular, have an organizing function that binds a primitive inner agitation that occurs during what is called a prementational stage of the neonatal period. This is a stage that precedes psychological processes. Sexual feelings are generated as an attempt to bind inner chaos that stems from an amorphous, inchoate psychic state. Erotic feelings are experienced in order to smooth inner tension. The patient tries but seldom achieves calm because the affective binding and structuralizing process, in itself, becomes painful and disruptive. I present several clinical incidents and also refer to so-called treatment relationships where the therapist absorbs the patient's chaos and then acts out sexually which leads to a total breakdown of the therapeutic setting.
ISSN: 0090-3604