Harry, I don't want to take away from the severity of what you two were talking about, but please pass along to Dan he looks great in his jeans today.
An Inclusive Litany

Philip Fazio, president of the Illinois Food Retail Merchants Association, criticized the proposal and told the Chicago Tribune that the public hearing on the issue occurred without the knowledge of any grocers he knew of. "These regulations are silly," he said. "If you don't treat your customers well, you won't be in business. But telling people to go to school is ridiculous." The city eventually abandoned its plans as "too ambitious," but Shulter said there were now plans to put together a video of the course that would be broadcast over cable television and be available for rent. "We want to help these businessmen help themselves," he said.
Witkin, who uses corpses as his medium, has also displayed "still
lifes" of a head on a plate as a vase containing a flower arrangement
and a dead baby surrounded by grapes. Another of Witkin's photographs,
"Le Baiser" ("The Kiss"), featured an old man's head that had been
cut into left and right halves. The two halves were then turned
together so they touched and photographed to appear as though they
were kissing.
Witkin's corpses were acquired—it's unclear exactly how—from the anatomy department of the University of New Mexico Medical School. Upon learning of his activities, University officials dissociated themselves from Witkin, who then looked south to Mexico to purchase the corpses—not exactly what NAFTA supporters had in mind.
[Ed.: Sculptor Anthony-Noel Kelly was arrested in London in April, 1997, for assembling a thoroughly derivative work involving 30 human body parts that may have been obtained illegally.]
Senator Sam Nunn, Bly declared, seems "caught in an incomplete warrior phase, oppositional and polarized." Because the military establishment, which is likewise stuck in the warrior stage, wants "all shining of the feminine in the soldier to be invisible," Bly concluded that the new "don't ask, don't tell" policy towards gays "may quiet some of the fears of the soldiers just reaching warrior state; it saves them from daily reminders of their fragility."
Besides the Mayans, Bly mentioned three Americans who achieved
"echo" status: Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther
King, Jr. President Clinton "floats somewhere between the warrior and
the community man; he isn't secure in either, but he could fight
harder for the community." Bly concluded that "the process of male
development must not rest solely in the mentality of warriors" such
as the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Chiefs, he commented, keep
themselves from imagining a wider vision in which "we can bless the
warriors, as well as the gay men and women, and keep the sad and
echoing face of Lincoln before us."
On a false spring day months ago, I bought a pair of sandals. They were made of richly polished, smooth leather and reasonably priced. Best of all, they were comfortable and an ideal accessory for the months ahead.But the weather turned cold again and the sandals languished in their box until I, the ultimate shopper, contemplated returning them. Summer seemed so far away.
But by late April, winter had passed, and it was definitely time to take the sandals out and wear them. As I unwrapped the tissue paper, I suddenly noticed the stamp on the soles: "Made in Bosnia."
I stared in disbelief. Could there really be factories in that distant land where shoes were being made while anarchy reigned? And could I, in good faith, wear them?
Which side of the conflict would I be supporting by my action? What had happened to the factory and the people who worked there?
I didn't wear the shoes. I can't. They're back in their box, in my closet, waiting. For what? I don't know.
After exhausting his bureaucratic options, he took the South
Carolina Coastal Council to court for compensation. A state trial
court ruled in his favor and awarded him $1.2 million, but he lost
on appeal in the state Supreme Court. He appealed to the U.S.
Supreme Court,
and in Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, he
prevailed in what is widely regarded as one of the most important
Supreme Court decisions of the century, extending
Fifth Amendment
"Takings" clause protection to property owners whose land has been
devalued as a result of government regulations. The Supreme Court
remanded the case to the South Carolina Supreme Court for the
calculation of damages, and Lucas decided to settle for $1.5 million
to cover the cost of the two lots and to pay his bankers and lawyers.
Once in possession of the lots, the Coastal Council's views changed. After nearly five years of legal combat, the council said it really doesn't make sense to maintain the lots as "open space" or "erosion control." The lots are surrounded by other houses, a spokesman for the council explained, and the beach is private. In order to recoup the $1.5 million awarded to Lucas, some of which came from the council's budget, the council plans to sell the lots—for development.
The trial used a real set of lawyers, judge and jury, but the
Rosenbergs were played by actors who, in their roles, emphatically
denied committing espionage or even of belonging to the Communist
Party. The real Rosenbergs took the Fifth Amendment
on those questions. One juror said her own decision to acquit the pair
was based on emotional testimony from the actress who played Ethel
Rosenberg. When asked whether she was a spy, the actress insisted:
"Absolutely not, on my oath. I am a mother, not a spy." The real
Ethel Rosenberg gave no such testimony, and she was convicted in part
because her own brother, David Greenglass—a machinist at the bomb
project at Los Alamos, New Mexico—testified that the Rosenbergs
recruited him to provide sketches of the bomb.
ABA organizers pointed out that the event not only served as a recreation of the famous 1951 trial, it showed what might have happened if the couple had been tried under today's legal standards. Some testimony allowed in 1951 was barred during the two-day mock trial because of changes in constitutional standards. For example, prosecutors now could not point out that Ethel Rosenberg pleaded the Fifth Amendment rather than tell a federal grand jury whether she had ever met admitted spy courier Harry Gold.
[Ed.: Enough, already! Even Alan Dershowitz believes the Rosenbergs were guilty of committing espionage!]

Clinton is giving the best evidence yet of his approach to leadership. It's about understanding, not threats; accommodation, not confrontation; about getting people (at least Democrats) to sing the same song. The style is reminiscent of another patient, nonjudgemental figure given to hugging in public: Barney the Dinosaur.
Mr. Speaker, we have heard a lot about the gag rule. Well, I was reading a book the other day about how things are done, and it talked about how to become a sword swallower. You have to learn how to master your gag reflex and suppress it.
But my colleagues on the other side have gone it one better: they have a gag reflex they can turn on and off. Sometimes, they can swallow easily, sometimes they cannot.
Because I and my reality did not comport with what they accepted as their reality, I and my reality had to be reconstructed by the Senate committee members.

According to federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines, an individual's race or ethnicity is not a matter of blood: "An employee can be included in a group [to] which he or she appears to belong, identifies with or is regarded in the community as belonging," despite any "anthropological origins." Because Guidara's wife is Hispanic, he sees his transformation, which happened shortly before he was promoted to sergeant in 1989, as falling within legal bounds. Phil Goldman, an EEOC official in Florida, told the Tribune that it would be "totally inappropriate" for the city to persuade an employee to change his ethnicity. The sergeant himself is even more adamant: "I am proud of who I am and of my selected ethnic affiliation." To prove this, Guidara went so far as to enroll in a conversational Spanish course.
[Ed.: Transmigration of racial categories can be thought of as a creative market response to the distortion introduced by affirmative action.]

"For Kevin"
(Sen. William Cohen, R-ME, on his son)
...I watch you turn
in the membrane
of your sleep,
a flutter of infinity
roars in my ears
but makes no sound.
I wonder
does my father
stand mute
in his flour-filled days
that shrink to their
cosmic conclusion
and hear this drip
of the universe?
"The Man Who Loved The Senate"
(Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-UT, on the late Senator Jacob Javits)
...Born to poor
Jewish immigrants
On Manhattan's
Lower East Side,
He overcame poverty
To become,
As he was fond
Of saying,
"A Senate Man"...
The deliberative process,
The discussion,
"The finding a way,"
As he put it,
Intrigued him.
He knew well the rules
Of the Chamber,
Cherished its traditions,
Respected its moods,
He had all the qualities
Of a Senate Man...
"The Marigold"
(The late Sen. Everett Dirksen, D-IL)
...It marches through spring, summer,
And autumn until the frost of early winter
Takes its toll... robust, rugged, bright,
Stately, single-colored, and multi-colored,
Somehow able to resist the onslaughts of insects...
What a flower the marigold is.
"Hooray for the Whips"
(Rep. Major Owens, D-Brooklyn)
...Are we
PAC asses for the classes
Or strong mules for the masses
I got a whip
You got a whip
All of God's children
Got a whip
Whip for who
Whip for what
Do your duty
Please beat my butt
Whip hard
And make it pay
We need education oats
We need health care hay.