An Inclusive Litany


Representative Charles Canady (R-FL) has initiated the impeachment process in the House, and Representative George Sangmeister (D-IL) has introduced a bill that would automatically suspend the salary of any judge convicted of a felony. Impeachment proceedings are notoriously long and difficult, however, and the Constitution prohibits slashing the pay of sitting federal judges.
Although taxpayers pay for his room and board while in prison, he still got the $4,100 cost-of-living salary increase given to all judges recently. And if Canady and Sangmeister don't manage to get Collins off the rolls by his 65th birthday, he will get a lifetime pension at full pay.
Linden police and Union County emergency personnel were called to the
scene while contaminated grass and soil were removed. A cleanup crew,
properly equipped with masks and gloves, removed the offending
material. Everything was done to the letter of New Jersey's strict
environmental regulations regarding radioactive spills.
The radioactive "spill" occurred when a Linden resident, who had an upset stomach following lunch, vomited after being given a radioactive iodine pill to treat a thyroid condition. Worried that he had lost his medicine along with his lunch, he notified a hospital. It in turn notified the state, as required by regulation, thus launching the cleanup operation.
She's ecumenical but prefers Italian and Mexican. The President fixes her eggs with jalapeño peppers on the weekends. One Christmas she served black beans and chili as part of a buffet. She carries Tabasco sauce wherever she goes.... Valentine's Day at the Red Sage restaurant. Even at a romantic outing, the President can be the date from hell, talking to everyone but the girl he brung.... Finally alone, they have painted soup and the lamb baked in herbed bread. They exchange gifts and touch each other more in two hours than the Bushes did in four years.
"We live in a divided nation of, uh, class, and in terms of, uh, racial disharmony.""I think for our audience this work is difficult, because it does deal with voices that have not previously really been heard in the Whitney Museum."
"I think of myself sometimes as an average museumgoer. I think I'm not average but I—I do try to put myself in different positions."
"You know, I mean, on one level I would say this piece depends on a certain level of theoretical knowledge, obviously, but then, I think on some days maybe it doesn't demand all that, you know? Maybe... it's really hard for me to say, really, what things people need, you know? I guess I know what I need."
"That's what I love about art. There's no right and there's no wrong, in a sense."
[From chief curator Elizabeth Sussman:] "If I... if I were able to write my imaginary text to the introduction of this Biennial, it would probably be somewhat be, um, somewhat... I would try... I don't know how I would do it. I could never do that. Let's say I love, or I loved, um, I don't know who. I don't know."
[Assistant curator Thelma Goldin, on one piece that consisted of over 200 rectangular panels, each painted to match the skin tone of a different subject:] "It's beautiful, I mean, and, it's, it's, you know, it's almost very sappy, I feel very sappy about it sometimes, but I feel like bursting out and singing, like, 'We are the world.' It's, like, really, like, gorgeous."
O'Connor commented on the Pope-picture controversy: "If I were a young man and I was on TV saying these things, I would not be as brutalized."
After being convicted, Anderson sued Hobson for unspecified monetary
damages, saying excessive force was used against him. Anderson's
attorney, Scott Anderson (who is no relation) explained, "The mere
fact that you're holding up a McDonald's with a gun doesn't mean you
give up your right to be protected from somebody who wants to shoot
Defense attorney Russell Goldstein, who doesn't think much of Anderson's case, joked wryly that because Anderson's wound cost him the use of his right leg, "he may be making a claim for earnings lost because he hasn't been able to hold up anyone."
Actually, that turned out not to be the case. After Anderson was released from the hospital and prior to his conviction, Anderson was charged in another case. He had allegedly robbed a man who was making a call from a pay phone, taking $50. With his crutches in the back seat, he drove up beside the man, pointed a gun at him and demanded money. Anderson pleaded not guilty in that case.
In fact, Globe coverage minimally touched on the array of weekend-long events, both somber and celebratory, surrounding Sunday's march—dances, religious services, rallies such as the Saturday night Dyke March, the largest women-only march in Washington for lesbian lives. This demonstration culminated at the Washington Monument, where activists from the group Lesbian Avengers ate fire amid thousands of women who chanted, "The fire will not consume us; we'll use it to better our lives."[Ed.: The world's tallest freestanding masonry structure, the Washington Monument is also one of the most conspicuous phallic symbols ever erected.]

One videotape showed people casually spitting up blood. Many works
prominently featured men's and women's genitals, and showed both
transvestites and lesbians having sex. An enormous splash of
imitation vomit lay at the center of one room in a section devoted
to bulimia, along with another work that consisted of a pile of chewed
lard. A 45-foot toy Tonka truck demonstrated "the confusion of
sexualities that reside in the most commonplace early childhood
environments." A huge mural-sized photograph of several black youths
had the words, "What You Lookn At?" spray-painted on it. A
central feature of the show was a 10-minute videotape of the Rodney
King beating by Los Angeles police officers. In one video, a young
man flaunts his hatred of "fags" to the camera, but implies a
certain satisfaction in having sex with them. He then spits blood
and explodes, and his innards drop from his body. Giant letters
running across one room said: "In the rich man's house the only
place to spit is in his face." One exhibit showed three grotesque
casts of a larynx and tongue as if taken from the remains of
murdered women, accompanied by the sounds of women's laughs and
cries. The body parts were made out of lipstick to represent "the
silencing of women through the use of a specifically gendered
All who attended were required to wear small badges that included disconnected fragments of the phrase, "I Can't Imagine Ever Wanting To Be White," prompting wags to produce their own slogan that read, "I can't imagine ever wanting to be in the Whitney Biennial." Wall Street Journal critic Deborah Soloman, whose own tag contained the fragment of text that read "Ever Wanting," observed that this was an accurate description of the works she saw.
Two new shows that have been scheduled at the Whitney are "The Subject of Rape," and "Abject Art," which promise to feature such abject materials as dirt, hair, excrement, dead animals, menstrual blood, rotting food, and beeswax.
The Western World, [Hillary Clinton] said, needed to be made anew. America suffered from a "sleeping sickness of the soul," a "sense that somehow economic growth and prosperity, political democracy and freedom are not enough—that we lack at some core level meaning in our individual lives and meaning collectively, the sense that our lives are part of some greater effort, that we are connected to one another, that community means that we have a place where we belong no matter who we are."She spoke of ... a nation crippled by "alienation and despair and hopelessness," a nation that was in the throes of a "crisis of meaning."
[Ed.: In another slim vote years later in 2001, the Supreme Court accepted the validity of such strangely drawn congressional districts if racial representation was arguably not their primary determining factor—similar reasoning used to defend affirmative action in university admissions. Ironically, the Congressional Black Caucus has not been the biggest beneficiary of racial gerrymandering; that distinction goes to Republicans, who have recently enjoyed dramatic new popularity among southern voters. By herding African Americans into a single congressional district, which would undoubtedly result in a Democratic representative, Republicans had more chance or being elected in surrounding districts that had been relatively cleansed of African Americans.]
Why is L.A., why are the deserts so fascinating? It is because you are delivered from all depth there—a brilliant, mobile superficial neutrality, a challenge to meaning and profundity, a challenge to nature and culture, an outer hyperspace, with no origin, no reference points... The fascination of the desert: immobility without desire. Of Los Angeles: insane circulation without desire. The end of aesthetics.
(Jean Baudrillard)I have come from the desert as one comes from beyond memory.
(Edmond Jabes)Frames: Desert, Dessert. One word that is at least two—one spelling, two pronunciations: two spellings, one pronunciation. Desert. Des(s)ert. After dinner desserts—just or otherwise. Neither dinner nor not dinner, but a supplement. Something like a frame that repeats, while inverting, the hors d'oeurve. No longer before but after the repas. Le repas: what is a pas that is a re-pas? Does the doubling of the k/not bind or rebind—ligare or religare? Desert... Des(s)ert... Des(s)erts. What is des(s)erted in the desert? Desert(s), site or non-site of wandering, erring—Vegas... vagus. Delivery from all depth... lights, pure light, absence of shadow? Or delivery to a certain re-pas that is beyond... le pas au-dela, where the absence of shadow is the shadow of spirit.
"Postmodernism" is, of course, a notoriously problematic term...