An Inclusive Litany
Running with the Devil: Power, Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music,
Robert Walser, assistant professor of music at Dartmouth College,
wrote that "[h]eavy metal is, inevitably, a discourse shaped by
patriarchy. Circulating in the contexts of Western capitalist and
patriarchal societies, for much of its history metal has been
appreciated and supported primarily by a teenage male audience...
lacking in social, physical and economic power but besieged by
cultural messages promoting such forms of power... as the vital
attributes of an obligatory masculinity." But according to Walser,
even heavy metal has a softer side. "If in some ways heavy metal
replicates the ruthless individualism and violence that capitalism and
government policy have naturalized, it also creates communal
attachments, enacts collective empowerment, and works to assuage
entirely reasonable anxieties."