Dear Mr. Bull:This will confirm that I have received and read the 5/3/93 draft of the Satellite News pilot and have the following comment:
"Idiot" and "moron" (page 3) are clinical terms which can cause great pain to the families of those afflicted with mental illness. Please find alternatives; words such as "wuss," "wimp," "bozo," "yahoo," and the like come to mind.
Yours truly,
Darlene Lieblich
An Inclusive Litany
From a memo sent by Darlene Lieblich, the head of Fox Television's
Broadcast Standards & Practices department, to Sheldon Bull, the
producer of Satellite News, a Fox sitcom in development. As a result
of this memo, a line in the show's pilot that read "Dammit!! Stupid,
idiot, moron, jerks!!" was changed to "Dammit!! Stupid, mallet-head,
brain-dead, jerks!!"