An Inclusive Litany


Some topics addressed at the Women's Studies Fall Lecture Series, University of Illinois, Champaign:

  • "Practically Women: Brazilian Transgendered Prostitutes and Their Relevance for Understandings of Sex and Gender in Latin America," by Don Kulick, Gender Studies, Stockholm University

  • "The Evolution of Masculinity Studies," by Joe Pleck, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois

  • Readings: Leo Bersani, "Is the Rectum a Grave?"

  • "The Butch Grunt Syndrome: Do Lesbians Talk Like Men?," by Anna Livia Braun
Topics from a graduate student conference held at Columbia University:

  • "Black and White and Hanging Without a Rope: Appropriated Centers and Margins," by Signithia Fordham, University of Maryland

  • "A Cat in the Dark: The Color of Water and Significances of the Reverse Racial Pass," by Philip Brian Harper, New York University

  • "The White to be Angry and Passing: Vaginal Cream Davis's Terrorist Drag," by Jose Munoz, New York University