An Inclusive Litany


From a memo to EPA "division directors" signed by William H. Sanders, III, Director, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, August 23, 1996:
It is time once again to start thinking about the performance evaluation process. I understand that the schedule for conducting 1996 performance evaluations will be similar to last year. Attached is a calendar of events for your use in starting to schedule the necessary discussions/meetings. Also, attached to the calendar is an [sic] rating sheet on which you need to record tentative employee evaluation scores by gender, ethnicity and job category (professional/administrative, clerical secretary).

Another memo, this one from the Department of Agriculture, titled "Policy on Selecting Employees from Under Represented Groups":

All selecting officials must justify, in writing, the non-selection of candidates on the best qualified list who are from under-represented, protected groups. This policy is designed to encourage support for diversity in the work force and increase opportunities for all candidates.