[Ed.: Capt. Bill Buckner is no relation to the bowlegged Red Sox firstbaseman.]
An Inclusive Litany
The Department of Public Affairs of the U.S. Army has printed 80,000
copies of a children's coloring book called "Keeping the Earth Green,"
which on one page features a happy soldier helping children feed a
giant tortoise, and on another page shows a tank crew trying to keep
the noise down to avoid disturbing a sleeping owl. "Soldiers take care
not to scare or hurt animals that live on the land," the caption
reads. "It's part of an environmental stewardship campaign," says
Capt. Bill Buckner, a spokesman for the Army's Department of Public
Affairs. "The Army's goal is to be a national leader on the issue of
the environment." Happily for taxpayers, the book only cost $6,000 to
print. Buckner reveals the secret: recyclable paper.