An Inclusive Litany


From Love Your Looks: How to Stop Criticizing and Start Appreciating Your Appearance, by Carolynn Hillman:
If you have trouble identifying positives about your weight, have a dialogue with your fat. Ask your fat what it does to help you and what positive image it projects. Whatever it says, listen to it nonjudgmentally and empathetically, so that you can really learn more about its role in your life.

If you are doing this in writing, first write out your question, then your fat's answer, your response, its response, and so on, the way a script for a play is written out. Write as fast as you comfortably can, and let whatever comes out come out, even if it doesn't make sense to you or you don't agree with it.

If you're doing this out loud, place two seats facing each other. Start by sitting in one of them, as you, and ask your question. Then shift seats and be your fat and answer. Again, just let it flow, as if you're an actress in character, feeling the part. When you're done, thank your fat for talking to you. Here's a sample dialogue:

FREDA: Fat, what do you do for me?

FAT: I protect you.

FREDA: How? And from what?

FAT: I protect you from being sexually harassed by projecting an image that says, "I'm big and you'd better not mess with me."

FREDA: But why do you do that? I'm not so afraid of being harassed.

FAT: Sure you are. Think about it.

FREDA: (thinks about it) You're right. I really do hate and dread the comments, leers, and touching or grabbing that some men do. I've always known that I can't stand it, but I never realized the extent to which it intimidates me. Thanks for helping me.

FAT: No problem.