For those of us who love nature, and her creation, trails are and can be a source of travel and a hope when lost. I've come to the conclusion that this also applies to our furred brothers and sisters who try to live 24 hours a day in what was once their natural habitat. The bad news for them is, man has by his lack of understanding and/or concern blocked their rights of passage. In the past few days, I've noticed several dead animals, at the side of the road and on the freeway.It occurred to me that this high frequency may be the result, in large measure, of the center concrete divider. These barriers make it impossible for animals to traverse the highway, which for them is a means of egress. I'm saddened by the sight of death under any circumstances for all creatures. However, what really disturbs me is the fact that many of us don't seem to care. I base this conclusion upon four factors:
One of my personal heroes is Gandhi...
- Excess speeds on all our highways and roads.
- Man-made systems which do not take into account our four-legged friends.
- The notion, among some, that it doesn't matter.
- A general ignorance of our symbiotic relationship vis-a-vis all creation.
—Richard S. Gralewski
Santa Barbara
An Inclusive Litany
Letter to the editor, the Santa Barbara News-Press,
October 22, 1995: