A small Wisconsin newspaper spent more than $7,000 to defend itself against a complaint from a man rebuffed by a woman who had advertised for a female roommate. Actually, the woman's ad was legal under HUD regulations (one of the few discriminatory words it allows), and the man in question started harassing the woman for a date after she turned him down as a live-in. Nonetheless, a HUD investigator questioned more than 20 newspaper employees before filing a compulsory eight-page report on the matter.
An Inclusive Litany
In a letter to Econews, an environmental magazine, Anne Conrad-Antoville said the 1936 tale "teaches children to hate and fear wolves and to applaud a hunter who kills a wolf." Wolves have survived despite "genocidal programs being waged against them and other predators," she wrote, calling on the public to boycott the symphony performance.
In "Peter and the Wolf," the wolf is captured, and Peter urges hunters to take the animal to a zoo rather than shoot it.
- Que(e)rying the Millenium
- Ever Embodying Ambiguities: The Monkey as a Signifier in Asian American Literature
- Victorian Buggery and the Sensation of Scandal
- Defying the Dic(k)tators from Freud to Fascism: Virginia Woolf and Penis Mockery
- Cookies for Mankiller; or how "Feminist" Became the New "F" Word at San Jacinto College
- Queer Sexuality: From Tautology to Oxymoron
- Undertheorized: Lesbian Cinephilia and Its Objects
- Redressing the Female Subject: Transvestite Saints' Lives and the Benedictine Reform
- The Survivor's Voice: Father-Daughter Incest and the Contemporary Woman Poet
- Homosexual Desire and the Spirit of Capitalism
- Unspecific Details: Banishing the Specter of Female Homoeroticism in Nineteenth-Century Anti-Masturbation Writing
- Grappling with the Phallus: A Gender Feminist Assessment
- Freud's Micturating Penis
- Coitus Interruptus and the Pardoner's Voice
- So Just When Can You Be a Lesbian in Cyberspace?
- Unrepresentable Rape and the Represented Church in Medieval Saints' Lives
- Snickering at Incest: The Comedy of Sexual Transgression in Horace Walpole's Early Correspondence
- Queer Histories and Deviant Science: Rereading 1940's Wonder Woman
Citing several studies detailing the relationship between stress, isolation and higher death rates, 27 doctors recently warned politicians about the health consequences of abolishing rent control."If rent control vanishes, dozens will die," said Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, an internist at Cambridge Hospital and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, in a memo signed by 26 other doctors at the hospital.
"Studies show a four-fold increase in death rates for heart attack victims facing high life stresses and social isolation," she said. "One-third of our heart attack patients at Cambridge Hospital live in rent-controlled apartments. By allowing landlords to force them out, the governor and state Legislature are implementing the death penalty—a social policy sure to kill."
Those of us familiar with white male students know that a slow but inexorable process has been at work among them while the attention of campus leaders largely has been focused on other groups. As I have traveled across the country during the past several years speaking about sexual harassment—generally regarded as a "female" issue—I have at the same time learned a lot about male students....They have heard exhortations and sermons about the white-male, racist Eurocentric hold on American history, but they have not always responded as we hoped they would. Outside of class, when they talk to parents, peers, and faculty members whom they trust, many of them say that they believe they are being forced to pay for history they had no part in and that they feel weary, angry and alienated....
He [the white male] sees no academic departments equivalent to women's or African-American studies that address his history. He receives no special admissions consideration and no special support services. Justifiably or not, the most authentic, the most vivid lesson that he may draw from his experience is that he is expected to pay for the transgressions of his ancestors and that the truly disadvantaged are people like himself, not those whose stories of victimization dominate the headlines.
There are no simple ways to alter such a perception. Even as I write, I feel trepidation at the prospect of having my words misrepresented or exaggerated, despite my long-standing commitment to women's concerns. But it is this commitment to inclusion that should motivate us to address the complex challenge confronting us. At this point, it is impossible to say definitely how—or even whether—equitable remedies can be found for the frustration and resentment some white men feel, but we can take some steps in that direction....
Despite limited resources, colleges ... have a responsibility to determine whether white men, like women and members of minority groups, require some special support services. White male students are acutely aware that their institutions have demonstrated little interest in them as a group, and this is clearly a source of frustration affecting their behavior and attitudes after they leave academe.
Symposia, lectures and discussions addressing white-male experience would show colleges' commitment to increasing understanding of all campus constituencies. We need to talk about how white men were viewed in the past and are viewed today and about how both men and women have been burdened by stereotypes. Furthermore, if existing institutional grievance procedures do not adequately respond to white men who complain about sexual harassment or racial discrimination, we must devise procedures that do.
We have a cat named Hudson who killed off a litter last month. She had a litter in the spring and enjoyed herself immensely. When the second litter came in the fall, she refused to care for it at all. Often animal mothers and human mothers who refuse care know exactly what they are doing. They are acknowledging their own limitation. It is, as regular people often say, "for the best."While not arguing for virtue in infanticide, I have to argue at least the plausibility of withdrawing maternal care. Pushing your children into a lake is hardly that. But Susan Smith was making an announcement: she couldn't care for her children. Instead of making their lives permanently miserable, she drowned them. There is a strange, cruel mercy in the act.
...and this is Harold Kulungian, commenting on one of Rev. Shaper's previous columns:
The notions put forward by Rev. Donna Shaper in the Sept. 16 Bulletin that "We must make our own burgers" bemused me. What is the difference in the contents, and the effects, of burgers that we make at home vs. the famous Big Mac? I can't imagine it is very much.Yet Schaper finds some sort of philosophical consolation in the "do-it-yourself" independent approach to burgers....
Let's take just a couple of recent celebrity cases, to observe the effect of the Big Mac Way of Life in America.
When Lorena Bobbitt was on trial last spring for cutting off her husband's penis, you could see in her some symptoms that are actually widespread in our society. In one of her photos, her face was so tense that her eyes were virtually popping out of her head. You could see the whites of her eyes both above and below the iris. The enormous pressure behind her eyes, causing them to protrude so much, is coming from dietary excess, and shows her whole nervous system to be under immense strain.
Lorena's carnivorous diet made her very excitable, sexually aggressive, and regularly drove her to anger. Anger is coming from the overburdened liver and spleen, making one bilious and splenetic.
Lorena's favorite food, indicated when she was released from her 45-day psychiatric surveillance, in answer to a reporter's question "What are you going to do now that you are free, Lorena?" "The first place I'm going is to McDonald's..." she exclaimed joyfully...
And no one better exemplifies this new dietary behavioral syndrome than O.J. Simpson. Simpson had just gone to McDonald's for a Big Mac an hour or two before the murders took place.
Not long after, in nearby Amherst, a 13-year-old black girl claimed that she had received racial threats and was later assaulted by two white students in a junior-high-school restroom. The NAACP called a meeting of parents and students to discuss "racism" is Amherst's schools. The day before the meeting was scheduled, however, investigators discovered that the girl's story was fabricated. The meeting still went ahead as planned. As the Daily Hampshire Gazette reported: "Speakers said the girl shouldn't be blamed, and that the incident serves as an opportunity to discuss the issue of race in the schools."
[Ed.: In fact, the color of vanilla is brown.]
[Ed.: Mr. Harmon criticized Bob Dole for referring to Bill Clinton as a bozo during his 1996 presidential bid: "It irks me when people use the character's name in a demeaning way. It's like attacking motherhood and apple pie, for heaven's sake."]
When the children of Israel came to the Sinai Desert, Moses took himself up to the mountain to have a chat with the Almighty. And the Almighty told him, "Tell 'em that if they make a deal with me that they'll keep, it'll be on the one with me always. Now, you go and tell 'em."Moses climbed down from the mountain and told the elders of the people what the Almighty had said and everyone said, "Yeah, that's cool. We can deal with that."
And many months later, the Almighty came down with thundering and lightning. It was a sight to behold. He gave them commands that help make the deal complete.
"I am the Almighty, your God, who brought you outta Egypt when things were tough. Don't put anyone else before Me.
"Don't make any carved objects or things that look like what is in heaven or below. And don't bow down to these things like they are anything heavy. Not ever!
"You shouldn't dis the Almighty's name, using it in cuss words or rapping with one another. It ain't cool, and payback's a monster.
"After you've worked six days, give the seventh to the Almighty." (The Almighty made the heavens and earth in six days. He rested on the seventh day and blessed it as right on.)
"You shouldn't be takin' nothin' from your homeboys.
"Give honor to your mom and dad, and you'll live a long time.
"Don't waste nobody.
"Don't mess around with someone else's ol' man or ol' lady.
"Don't go 'round telling lies on your homebuddies.
"Don't want what you can't have or what your homebuddy has. It ain't cool."
The folks were scared out of their wits. They figured it was better that the Almighty talked straight to Moses instead of them 'cuz it was just too heavy for words.
Here are the titles of various chapters:
Cain Wastes Abel
Abram Kicks Some Butt
Abraham Up Against the Wall
Jacob Flees His Uncle's Crib
Joseph's Brothers Gets What's Coming
The Kohath Brother's Gig
Israel Getting Down With the Wrong Folks
From a Pop-Tart (TM) box: "Warning: Pastry Filling May Be Hot When Heated."
From a newspaper article: "A congressionally funded study has determined that many smokers are ignoring the warning labels on cigarette packages."
On the package for Top Cog (TM) automotive fan belts, the first step of the instructions tells you not to change the belt while the engine is running.
The container for a liquid radiator sealant contains the following warning on the inside of the pull top lid: "Caution: DO NOT LICK LID."
An automotive window screen used to keep the dashboard from heating up contains the following warning: "DO NOT OPERATE VEHICLE WITH SCREEN IN PLACE!"
Bowing to a "radical minority" that they said might embarrass the school, Howard University administrators postponed a lecture by a Pulitzer Prize-winning Jewish scholar.David Brion Davis, a Sterling Professor of History at Yale University, was to have spoken at Howard on the uprising of slaves throughout Haiti in 1791. But concerns for Davis's safety led to the postponement, said Howard official Paul Logan.
Students did hear from Khalid Muhammad, a Nation of Islam member who had said that the persecution of blacks was "100 times worse than the Jewish holocaust." Muhammad, who has vilified Jews as "bloodsuckers" of the black community and called the pope a "no-good cracker," addressed a rally sponsored by a student group.
The camp's project summary states: "Future environmental scientists ... must come from all the racial and ethnic groups present in our society... We must find a way to encourage all of today's ninth grade students to become practitioners and defenders of the environment of Planet Earth."
However, Stacey was advised during an admission interview that white kids are ineligible to attend. A Planet Earth administrator stated in a letter, "It is my understanding that [Stacey] is Anglo-American and therefore does not meet the stated criteria for participation in Planet Earth."
Feeling depressed about the planet? Perhaps you need a couch session with an eco-therapist. Eco-psychology, a new trend in psychotherapy, helps people deal with their anxieties about problems like endangered species and deforestation. What's the best therapy? According to one eco-shrink, daily walks in the woods and "establishing a relationship with a tree."