One eighth grader described Einstein the scientist as "smart, hopful [sic], commonsents [sic], and easy going," and Einstein the person as "sad, lonely, happy, postive [sic], loving." Another student who described Einstein as "smart" next to a picture of a light bulb was awarded five out of a possible six points. Another student drew pictures to illustrate Einstein the scientist as "trapped" and "blind." Another picture, intended to represent a sheet of music, illustrated "a masterpiece such as a syphony [sic]." The student also described the scientist as "determined." Einstein the person was depicted as "peaceful," along with a hand-drawn peace sign; "open-minded," illustrated by open windows; "beautiful inside," pictured as a butterfly; "conscious-alive," along with a picture of an electrocardiogram; and "a grain of sand," pictured as a dot.
Despite the misspellings and the absence of any reference to Einstein's pioneering scientific insights or his role in the nuclear age, the latter student was awarded a perfect score of six on this question.