An Inclusive Litany


Allure, January 1992:
[Jane] Fonda is rapping on about menopause. "You know where I had my first hot flash?" she asks, sounding excited. "At the Acropolis. During the sound and light show. I'm not kidding.

"It was last year. Ted and I were sailing with another couple around some of the islands. We arrived in Athens. My moods had been very erratic. And Ted said to me, 'Honey, do you suppose this is menopausal?' And I thought, Nooo! Two days later, we were sitting at night looking at the show at the Acropolis. I started feeling this kind of burning tingling all down my fingers and chest, and ... it was such a kick that Ted had known what was going on with me and I hadn't." ...

Though she is wildly chatty, almost embarrassingly so, on the subject of estrogen-replacement therapy—"it stops the biological clock a bit in terms of vaginal lubrication and things like that"—certain topics are verboten.